New Dynamics

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1 month later

Crystal decided to take a little space from devale. He refused to let her move back into her house but he decided to sleep in the guest bedroom to give her space. As time passed Crystal  knew that it wasn't Devale fault and he couldn't have known that his mother was capable of that. Although her and Khadeen were still mad about him technically abandoning them and the kids , he apologized and they  decided to try and move on.  He's been doing everything that he could  so that they could gain his trust back.

Devale still refuses to talk to his father Chris . A part of him felt like his father had something to do with the situation. Devale was confused as to why his father even had his mother over there that night considering all of the things that she's done to him and their family.

After that night at Devales father house Sheena disappeared and hasn't been seen or heard from since. The police are still currently looking for her but they've had no luck.

Over the past month Devale hasn't gotten any leads on his sister. He's basically has been getting the run around about everything. Even thought him and Crystal haven't been as close lately she still never stopped searching for his sister. She finally got a lead.



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Crystal - BABE ( she shouted )

Khadeen- yes, why are you yelling

Crystal- I think I found her

Khadeen- what are you talking about

Crystal - I think we've been looking in the wrong place all along

Khadeen- what

Crystal- we've been searching for closed adoption cases and foster homes

Khadeen- so she wasn't adopted

Crystal- Camilla Monroe age 10 born July 19 , 2013. She's in a group home. Palm breeze group home in New York.

Khadeen- and how do you know that's it's her for sure

Crystal- I'm don't but my source said that it is . I'm going to check with Jamie to see if he remembers anything

Khadeen- that may be hard considering it's been so many years

Crystal- I know , but the time line and information adds up

Khadeen- let me call devale

A couple hours later

After finding out she was  possibly in a group home khadeen and Crystal instantly reached out to a lawyer to figure out the next steps for this process. While Devale booked flights so that they could head back to New York.

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