chapter 2 : Crushing Expectations

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The office buzzed with the mechanical hum of fluorescent lights and the murmur of hushed conversations. Rain, determined to overcome the initial setbacks with Phayu, immersed himself in his work. He navigated through the sea of cubicles, each step a silent declaration of resilience against the tide of disappointment.

Days turned into weeks to months, and Rain's efforts to prove himself went unnoticed by Phayu. The Alpha remained an enigma, a distant figure whose attention seemed perpetually out of reach. The initial awe that Rain had harbored for Phayu transformed into a burning hate that fueled his determination to succeed despite the odds.

One fateful morning, Rain is summoned to Phayu's opulent corner office. The request for a meeting sent a surge of anticipation tinged with anxiety through him. Perhaps this was the moment Phayu would recognize his efforts, acknowledge his dedication, and mentor him as Rain had once dreamt.

As he entered Phayu's office, the air felt charged with tension. Phayu, engrossed in a stack of documents always dressed in all black so misterious, motioned for Rain to take a seat. The greetings were exchanged with a cold efficiency that left Rain with a sinking feeling. The Alpha's steely gaze bore into him, devoid of the warmth Rain had desperately hoped to find.

Phayu finally looked up, breaking the silence.

"Rain, I've been reviewing your performance, and I must say, it's far from impressive."

The words hit Rain like a punch to the gut. He had poured his energy into every task, working tirelessly to prove himself. To hear his efforts dismissed so callously wounded him deeply. Suppressing the sting of disappointment, Rain mustered the courage to respond.

"I've been giving my best, sir. If there's anything specific you think I could improve, I'm more than willing to learn."

Phayu leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers with an air of condescension.

"Your best isn't good enough. This company demands excellence, and I have no tolerance for mediocrity. If you can't keep up, perhaps this isn't the place for you."

Rain felt the weight of Phayu's words pressing down on him. The dream he had nurtured of finding guidance and mentorship from the esteemed Alpha shattered before his eyes. Anger simmered beneath the surface of Rain's composed exterior as he suppressed the urge to retort.

"I assure you, sir, I'm committed to improving. I won't let this company down."

Phayu's cold gaze lingered on Rain for a moment, his expression unreadable, so cold no one ever seen him smiling.

"You have one month to prove yourself. If I don't see a significant improvement, don't expect any leniency. This company thrives on excellence, not second chances."

Dismissed with a curt nod, Rain left Phayu's office feeling a cocktail of emotions - anger, frustration, disappointment, hate and a gnawing sense of inadequacy_.

The dream job had turned into a nightmare, and Rain grappled with the harsh reality that Phayu was not the mentor he had envisioned. He is more like a heartless person with no emotions and no feelings.

"I fucking hate him" he whispers to himself going back to work


In the following weeks, Rain threw himself into his work with renewed determination. Long hours became the norm as he sought to at least meet Phayu's expectations. The resentment that fueled his ambition only intensified, creating a toxic cycle that threatened to consume him.

The office environment, once a place of aspiration, morphed into a battleground where Rain fought to salvage his pride. The corporate machinery ground against his resolve, pushing him to the limits of his endurance. Each passing day etched a mark of weariness on his face, but Rain refused to let go of his dream so easily.

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