chapter 33: Phayu gentle care

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The morning sun cast its golden rays through the curtains, gently illuminating the bedroom where Phayu lay awake, his gaze fixed on his sleeping omega. But as he watched, a sense of unease crept over him, Rain's skin felt unusually too warm to the touch, a sign that he may be running a fever.

With a heavy heart, Phayu carefully tucked the blanket around Rain's sleeping body, not wanting to disturb his peaceful dreams. Quietly, he slipped out of bed, his mind racing with worry as he contemplated what to do next. Without hesitation, he reached for his phone, his fingers slightly trembling as he dialed Arthit's number with urgency.

As Arthit answered the phone, Phayu's breath caught in his throat, a heavy sigh escaping his lips before he could stop it.

"Hey what's going on, is everything alright?" Arthit's voice was filled with concern as he asked what was wrong, prompting Phayu to explain.

"I think I did something bad" Phayu confessed, his voice laced with guilt. "Rain... he has a fever this morning, and I can't help but think it's because of... because of last night."

"What happened last night?" Arthit asked in confusion. Phayu sighed again before he continues...

"We" phayu replied with a bit of embarrassment.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of Arthit's soft laughter. Phayu's brow furrowed in confusion, his worry deepening as he struggled to understand.

"It's not a joke, uncle Arthit" Phayu insisted, his voice pleading. "Rain is not feeling well, and I'm afraid I may have been too rough with him."

But Arthit's laughter only grew louder, a hint of amusement in his tone as he reassured Phayu that there was no cause for alarm.

"Calm down Boss, relax okay" Arthit said, his voice soothing. "It's normal for pregnant omegas to experience high fever in the early stages of pregnancy, as their bodies getting used to the hormonal changes. And while it's possible that your..... activities... may have contributed to it, I highly doubt it's anything serious."

Relief washed over Phayu like a tidal wave as he listened to Arthit's words of reassurance. He let out a long sigh, his tense shoulders relaxing as he absorbed the comforting words.

"Thank you" Phayu said gratefully. "I was so worried. What should I do now?"

Arthit wasted no time in providing Phayu with instructions on how to care for Rain. He advised Phayu to administer a mild fever reducer and to keep Rain hydrated. Additionally, Arthit recommended preparing a healthy soup for Rain, packed with nourishing ingredients to help boost his immune system and alleviate his discomfort.

Phayu nodded along as Arthit spoke, his mind racing with thoughts of how best to care for his beloved omega. He's set about following Arthit's instructions, determined to do whatever it took to ensure Rain's speedy recovery.

After hanging up the phone, Phayu sprang into action, bustling around the kitchen as he gathered the ingredients for the soup. His movements swift and efficient as he chopped vegetables and measured out spices with practiced ease.

As the soup simmered on the stove, filling the air with its comforting aroma, Phayu returned to Rain's side, his heart heavy with concern. Gently, he brushed a strand of hair away from Rain's forehead, his touch light and tender as he checked for any signs of improvement of the fever but rain was still burning up.

"Don't be sick baby, I'll be dead worried" he whispers softly.

Rain stirred beneath his touch, his brow furrowing slightly as he shifted in his sleep. Phayu's heart clenched with worry, but he forced himself to remain calm, knowing that he had to stay strong for Rain's sake.

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