chapter 15 : Phayu will always keep rain safe

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The next morning dawned bright and clear, the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains and casting a warm glow over the room. Rain stirred gently in Phayu's arms, a contented smile gracing his lips as he slowly blinked awake.

He stretched lazily feeling Phayu's strong arms wrap around him, pulling him close in a tender embrace. He turned to face his alpha, his heart swelling with love as he looks into Phayu's deep and soulful eyes.

"Good morning cutie" Phayu murmured, his voice husky with sleep as he pressed a gentle kiss to Rain's lips. Rain melted into the kiss, his body humming with warmth as he returned the gesture with equal fervor.

"Good morning handsome" Rain replied, his voice soft and affectionate as he snuggled closer resting his head on Phayu's chest the feeling of being exactly where he was meant to be.

"How do you feel?" Phayu asks a bit worried that he had hurt his baby.

"My asshole hurts you have a very big weapon down there" rain replies making phayu laughs.

"A certain naughty boy asked for it, i just gave you what you wanted huh don't try to cry now" phayu said pinching his nose.

"I'm not crying" rain pouts.

"Really?" The alpha chuckled looking down at his beautiful omega. "Sorry for hurting you"

"Uhh no, I'm not hurt P'Phayu i loved it and mayyybbeeee i want more" rain mischievous smile forming on his lips as he looks up to his boyfriend with his big doe eyes.

"You're such a tease" phayu shook his head, holding him as close as possible just for a morning cuddle. He doesn't even want rain to go back to his house, maybe he should ask him to move in, but isn't it too soon, phayu wondering savouring every little moment with his lover.

They lay together in silence for a moment, simply reveling in the warmth and intimacy of their connection with small touches and caresses.

Eventually after sometimes, Phayu stirred, his movements slow and languid as he reluctantly released Rain from his embrace. With a soft sigh, Rain sat up in bed, stretching his arms above his head, his body aching from the love making.

Phayu watched him with a fond smile, his eyes filled with love as he admired the sight of his omega bathed in the soft morning light. Rain's hair was tousled from sleep, his skin glowing with a natural radiance that took Phayu's breath away.

"Let's go take a shower and breakfast, are you hungry?" Phayu offered, he reached out to fix rain messy hair.

The boy nodded eagerly, his stomach rumbling, he climbed out of bed and followed Phayu to the bathroom. After getting ready they went downstairs to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" Phayu asks.

"Humm... eggs and sausages" rain replies with a big smile.

"Just that, you need more food baby I'll make some pancakes and warm your milk okay" Rain nodded, at this point he just follow everything phayu will say he trust his alpha with all his heart, phayu quickly takes all the ingredients to cook, rain sitting on the counter all pretty just waiting for his food.

"i have to go to the office today i need to sign some important documents, I'll be back before evening okay" phayu said, not missing the sad face rain made.

"You can relax here I won't take long baby" he added

"Okay I'm sorry for taking a sick leave this often" rain replies lowering his head.

"Hey look at me, it's not your fault if you get sick or can't work. I'll give you enough time to recover your health is more important than your job okay" phayu came closer to him lifting his head by his chin. Rain just nodded again in response.

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