chapter 39: Repentance

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The sky was cloudy announcing probably rain coming, phayu looked up and smiled. Why is everything remind him of his sweet little mate.

On his way back home, he stopped at the closest shop and bought a big teddy bear, bouquet of roses, and a big cheesecake. All the bad comments he heard today hurt him more than anything. They couldn't understand how special Rain is to him. Rain had changed his life, bringing light into his dark world. He just wanted to make Rain happy, with a big, proud smile, he gathered everything he just bought and drove straight home, hoping Rain would be up.

Phayu parked the car in the garage, took out everything, and headed straight to their room. As he opened the door, he saw Rain sitting in the middle of the bed, reading a book. Rain had woken up an hour ago, feeling the emptiness of the room. When he asked for his mate, the staff had told him Phayu had an urgent matter and would be back soon.

At first, Rain had sulked, wondering why Phayu had left without telling him, but if it's work related then it's fine. Now, he looked up in surprise at the sight of the big bouquet of flowers, the food, and the teddy bear. His eyes sparkled with excitement, tears welling up.

"P'Phayu....what's the occasion for all these gifts?" Rain asked, his voice filled with wonder and surprised.

Phayu smiled and came closer, kissing his forehead. "I don't need an occasion to please you. Every day with you is a special occasion, and you are special," he said warmly.

Rain squinted, sensing Phayu's heartbeat racing. As mates, they could feel each other's emotions. "Is everything okay? Where did you go?" he asked, his concern evident.

Phayu didn't reply immediately. Instead, he handed Rain the teddy bear. "Do you like it?" he asked, offering the flowers next.

Rain took the bear, nuzzling it, and then sniffed the flowers, loving their smell "I love it". He wrapped his arms around the teddy bear but repeated his question. "Where did you go? Was it an urgent meeting?"

Phayu knew he couldn't avoid the question, when rain has something stuck in mind he won't give up until everything is clear. He sighed and sat down on the bed next to him. "I need to explain something to you," he began, his voice serious.

Rain put the bear aside, giving Phayu his full attention. "What happened?" he asked gently.

Phayu took a deep breath. "I called for a pack gathering, so I went there to confront the people who hurt you," he said. "It was important to show them that you are not to be disrespected."

Rain's eyes widened. "You didn't... hurt anyone, did you?" he asked, worry creasing his brow. If phayu chose to go alone without him, it's a bad sign or did he actually kill them.

"No, I didn't hurt anyone physically, nearly" Phayu reassured him. "But I did have to be firm. The alpha who opposed me... he was driven by jealousy and resentment along with the omegas. His daughter hasn't found a mate yet, and he was just bitter."

Rain sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "So, what did you do?" he asked quietly.

"I nearly lost control" Phayu admitted, his voice filled with regret, rain had told him not to use violence. "I was so close to... but then your mother calmed me."

"My mom was there too" rain said in shock.

"Yes and sky, i didn't want you to deal with that tension. Your health is more important. So, I banished them from the pack." Phayu continued.

Rain gasped, his hand covering his mouth. " banished them?" he repeated, his voice trembling. Although he spent all his life amongst human, he knows his history and the danger of being out without your pack protection.

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