chapter 42 : The end

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The upcoming weeks were a whirlwind of activities for Rain and Phayu. Between taking care of their rapidly growing pup Varain, phayu working both for his company attending important meeting and his responsibilities as a leader, now planning their wedding ceremony too. they hardly had a moment to rest or just for themselves which he has to work on it as soon as possible.

Rain's mom was thrilled to be involved with the preparation, bustling about with various tasks and providing her help as much as she could.

The invitations had been sent out to all the pack members, and the excitement was palpable among the weres. Despite some initial resistance at first, the pack had grown to accept Rain and was eager to celebrate their leader's wedding. The ceremony was a beacon of hope and joy, a little reminder that love and unity could triumph over adversity and any challenges.

Rain and Phayu decided to prepare their vows in secret, wanting to surprise each other with their heartfelt words on the big day. They both spent quiet moments alone, writing and rewriting, ensuring their vows perfectly captured their journey and love for one another.

As the ceremony date approached, Varain continued to grow at an astonishing rate. At five months, he was already trying to crawl, his pure blood alpha nature evident in his rapid development. Sometimes, Rain found it difficult to carry him around for long periods. "You're getting too big for me to carry you all day little one" he would say, laughing as Varain squirmed in his arms.

Phayu often took over, easily lifting their son with his strong arms. "He's growing way too fast," Phayu remarked one evening, watching Varain play on the floor. "Sometimes I wish he could stay small forever." He added.

Rain nodded, his eyes soft with affection as he looked at their pup. "Me too. But watching him grow is amazing. He's going to be so strong, just like his dad."

Phayu smiled, pulling Rain into a gentle embrace. "And as kind and loving as you."

The days flew by, and soon they found themselves just a few days away from the wedding. Everything was set, the venue, the decorations, the invitation sent, the food ready. Rain's mom had been there her constant support same as sky, helping with everything from choosing the flowers to arranging the seating.

One evening, as they sat together in the living room, Niran joined them, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Everything is coming together beautifully. The pack is excited. I've never seen everyone so happy."

Rain smiled, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Thank you Mom for your help. I'm happy everyone accepted me here."

She smiled "Of course, you're the sweetest, kind and lovable person. Seeing you two so happy makes everything worth it."

Phayu who was sitting next to him squeezed Rain's hand, his eyes shining with how much love they have for each other. "We're almost there. In just few days, you'll officially be my husband."

Rain's heart skipped a beat in realisation to call phayu his husband. "I can't wait. I've dreamed about this day for so long, my soon to be husband."

They spent the remaining days finalizing the last-minute details. Rain chose a simple yet elegant white suits for them representing purity and tranquility. The clearing by the river, where they had first met, was transformed into a magical setting with twinkling lights and delicate decorations.

On the eve of the wedding, Phayu found Rain sitting by Varain's crib, watching their son sleep. He approached quietly, wrapping his arms around Rain's waist. "Nervous?" he whispered.

Rain leaned back into Phayu's embrace. "A little. But mostly excited. Tomorrow, we'll start a new chapter in our lives."

Phayu kissed the top of his head. "I promise, it will be the best chapter. Now let's go to bed"

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