chapter 8 : The truth

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"what's going on doctor why is he howling like this" Pai panicked seeing his best friend in pain.

Phayu has been knocked out since yesterday, no change but everything getting worse. His muscles doubled up, he looks ten times bigger with his long fangs hanging, his wolf ears and his claws on both hands and feet growing longer, his eyes red. He looks terrifying.

"Ourghhhhh"phayu howling again in pain.

"Doctor do something please" Pai said, his face in distress.

"Unfortunately master Pai I can't do anything I'm not a specialist"

"What the actual fuck, what are you waiting for then call the specialist" Pai yelled at him.

The doctor ran out, calling others doctors in rescue. The hospital was filled with panicked, nurses running left and right, the pack leader can't die right now they have to do something to save him.

One of the specialist came after an hour, trying to understand what's really going on. He did some blood test, he came in conclusion that phayu has drunk some mystical blood changing his entire blood's system but who was that creature.?

In the other side, rain's mom left her house early in the morning asking rain and sky to stay inside and not open the door for anyone. Despite the suppressant she gave rain, the boy still smells strongly like phayu. His body doesn't respond to medecine right now.

She arrived in her pack, everything looks different, they have new buildings, the city looks warm, she remembers the smell of her pack, she missed this. Taking a deep breath she walks towards her brother's house.


"Someone knocked at the door, Nat go open" Arthit says to her daughter Natsu, she runs to open the door.

"Hello" Natsu greets the woman in front of her with a smile.

"Hello sweetie, do you know me?" she says greetings the girl who nodded, she tears up seeing her niece, she was seeing her just in picture, when she left the girl was only 2years old.

Natsu is around 17 years old now, although she never met her aunt, she saw couples of pictures, his dad talks about her all the time, she can remember this face from far.

"Who's that Natsu?" Arthit shouts from inside.

"It's aunt Niran Dad" she shouts back. Hearing the name Arthit felt goosebumps all over his body, because for nothing in the world Niran will come back here except if it's a matter of death...

"Please come in" Natsu walking her towards the living room.

When both siblings eyes met after more than 15years, tears start flowing without saying a word. Arthit came closer to her and hug her so tight, she returned the hug sobbing.

"I missed you so much" he whispers.

During all those years, he wanted to see his sister and nephew but he didn't go protecting rain afraid he might be followed.

"I missed you too, how are you doing" Niran asks, her eyes filled up with tears, the girl watching them also tearing up, they must have been missing eachother for so long.

"We are fine, see how Natsu has grown up now" Arthit says smiling breaking the sad atmosphere.

"İ see it, she's a grown woman now" she smiles at Nat.

"What brings you here?" The man couldn't stop the idea behind of something bad happened.

"İ need your help Arthit" Niran says her face turns pale.

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