chapter 37: Come back to me

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For the past two months, Rain had basked in the tranquility and joy of his new life in the pack. Each day was filled with a sense of peace he had never known in the human world, making it a place he no longer wished to return to.

But today had shattered that illusion, the cruel words from the other omegas echoed in his mind, leaving him feeling unwanted and despised. Doubt crept into his thoughts perhaps Phayu would leave him one day too. He hadn't chosen to be an omega male, and it felt as if his life had only ever brought trouble.

Now, Rain lay unconscious for the past 2 days after passing out, locked in his own mind. Inside his head, he found himself in a breathtaking garden filled with vibrant flowers. A beautiful baby boy with long blond hair and dark eye, a perfect blend of himself and Phayu, played nearby. The boy ran towards him, calling out, "Dada" as he chased a butterfly, his laughter like music. The scene filled Rain with a profound sense of peace and joy. He loved this place; it was just him and his son, free from the world's judgments.

But then a voice intruded, calling his name. He couldn't see anyone, but the voice grew louder, causing a headache and a loud ringing in his brain. He fell to the ground, overwhelmed, and suddenly, Phayu was there in front of him, helping him up. Rain looked up frowning...

"Why are you here?" he asked, confused and wary. "You should leave before I just bring you more problems. Everyone hates me. You'll hate me one day too. It's better for you if you go now."

Phayu held him firmly, his eyes filled with concern and determination. "Rain, calm down, this is not reality you have to wake up baby" he said, his voice gentle yet commanding.

Rain's breathing hitched, his panic escalating. He pushed Phayu away, but Phayu's grip tightened, he held him close to his chest, rain closed his eyes inhaling his calming scent. "Shh, it's okay baby" Phayu murmured, releasing calming pheromones and caressing Rain's hair. "You're my love, my life and my happiness. We're linked for life, I can't leave you"

Rain slowly pulled back and opened his eyes, meeting Phayu's steady gaze. "Why are you here?" he repeated again, tears streaming down his face.

Phayu cupped Rain's face, his touch reassuring. "I'm here because I love you Rain, i really love you from the bottom of my heart baby. You're my mate, my partner, my everything. I won't leave you, and I won't stop loving you. Ever, please come back to me."

Rain's heart ached, the words touching a deep part of him. "But everyone hates me. They say awful things. Maybe they're right, I'm no one."

"They're not," Phayu said firmly. "They're wrong Rain. You belong here, it's your pack, you were born here. We belong together. Please, come with me. You need to wake up."

Rain looked around, the beautiful garden fading. "But I love this place. It's peaceful. I'm happy here." then suddenly he remembered his son so he panicked "my son, where is he? He was here with me"

Phayu glanced around, seeing nothing but the white expanse of Rain's mind and understand that he created a world in his head, he need to get him out of here before it's too late. "If you want to see our son, you have to come with me" he said, hoping to reach Rain.

Rain's eyes widened, fear and hope mingling in his gaze. "Is it true? Will I see him?"

Phayu nodded, his voice steady. "I promise. You'll meet our son. But you have to come with me now."

Rain hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll come with you."

Phayu helped him to his feet, guiding him through the white passage. As they walked, the world around them shifted, the garden fading completely.

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