chapter 18 : The true story part 2

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As Pakin and his troupe returned to their pack, relief flooded through the group as they saw the familiar faces of their packmates waiting anxiously for their return. Chai greeted them with a mixture of joy and concern, his eyes scanning the group for any signs of trouble.

"Pakin, oh god you're back! I was so stressed" Chai exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace his friend. "Thank the moon, you're all safe."

Pakin returned the embrace, a weary smile tugging at his lips. "We made it," he replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion but also with a sense of triumph. "Everyone's safe now."

Chai's eyes widened in relief, but a shadow of concern flickered across his features as he glanced around. "What about Nat's son?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Is he...?"

Pakin's heart sank as he realized he hadn't told Chai about Stop's fate. Guilt gnawed at him as he struggled to find the words to explain.

"Stop chose to stay with his father," he admitted reluctantly, his voice barely above a whisper. "We couldn't convince him to come with us."

Chai's expression darkened with understanding as he absorbed the news. "I'm sorry, Pakin," he said softly, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "But at least we were able to save everyone else."

Pakin nodded, grateful for Chai's support as they turned their attention to the task at hand. With Nat and the other omegas now safe within their pack's territory, Pakin focused on providing them with the care and support they needed to heal from their trauma.

In the coming months, Nat found herself drawn to Pakin, his kindness and strength captivating her in ways she hadn't expected. As he tended to her wounds and offered her solace in her darkest moments, she couldn't help but feel her heart opening to him in ways she had never imagined.

One evening, as they sat together beneath the stars, Nat found herself overcome with emotion as she looked into Pakin's eyes, seeing the depth of his compassion and the warmth of his love reflected back at her.

"P'Pakin," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I never thought I could feel this way again after everything that's happened. But with you... I feel like I've found a new home."

Pakin's heart swelled with love as he reached out to caress Nat's cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring.

"You are home here Nat," he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness. "With me, you'll always be safe."

"Thank you" Nat whispers.

"No need, come here" she leans into Pakin's arms feeling like nothing can ever come across this happiness even if her heart still hurts being apart from her child.

Two years passed, Pakin and Nat's love only deepened, culminating in a joyous wedding ceremony surrounded by their packmates and loved ones. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and the arrival of their son, Boss, brought even more happiness and fulfillment into their lives.

Nat doted on her new family, her heart overflowing with love for Pakin and their children. Boss brought light and laughter into their home, his infectious smile melting away any traces of sorrow or hardship.

Meanwhile, Mhok's bitterness and resentment continued to fester, poisoning his son relationship with his mother. He filled Stop's head with lies and manipulation, painting Nat as the villain who had abandoned them.

One fateful day, tragedy struck when Mhok was diagnosed with rabies, a mutated virus with fatal side effects. As the news spread, a sense of shock and disbelief gripped them all.

Pakin and Nat couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the news of Mhok's illness, despite the pain he had caused them in the past. They knew that beneath his anger and resentment, Mhok was still the friend they had once cherished, and they couldn't bear to see him suffer.

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