chapter 28 : You are safe at home

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Phayu's fury ignited like a raging inferno when he received the video from Tina, revealing Rain behind her chained and blindfolded. His usual calm and composed attitude shattered, replaced by a storm of curses and rage as he watched the footage.

"Damn it!" Phayu seethed, his voice trembling with anger and frustration. He tried to tap into their mating bond, hoping to sense Rain's emotions or location, but to no avail. Rain seems to be calm in the face of danger that only fueled Phayu's concern and fury.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Phayu grabbed his phone and dialed Tina's father, knowing that their family's influence and wealth could potentially stop Tina's reckless actions.

When Tina's father answered the call, Phayu didn't mince words. "Mr. Johnson, your daughter is doing something incredibly stupid, she kidnapped my boyfriend. If you don't put a stop to it immediately, I don't care about your money or status in society. If anything happens to Rain because of her actions, I will not hesitate to kill her with my own hands" Phayu warned, his voice laced with a deadly seriousness.

Tina's father, taken aback by the gravity of the situation and Phayu's words, he paused for a moment before responding, that girl has always been a trouble maker that's why he needed someone really fierce for her.

"Phayu, I understand, and I assure you I will take immediate action to find Tina. Rain's safety is the most important, and I will not allow any harm to come to him, he doesn't deserve it, even if it's my own daughter" he promised, his tone serious and determined.

Feeling a bit of relief knowing that Tina's father would intervene, Phayu thanked him and hung up, his mind racing with thoughts of how to found Rain and put an end to the torment he was enduring at the moment.

Turning to Arthit and Niran, who were anxiously waiting, Phayu relayed the conversation he had just had. "Tina's father will handle her. We need to focus on trying to feel Rain and bringing him back safely," Phayu declared.

"Who is that girl?" Arthit asked.

"Her father wanted us to get married, but i rejected her, i already felt something off with her, now she's taking revenge on rain" phayu explained, Arthit just nodded in response while her sister was just there spacing out trying her way to connect with her son.

"Why did you do it?" Arthit wasn't ready for phayu's question. Everything escalated so fast that he doesn't even know what to say or where to start.

"I'm really sorry Boss, when they brought rain to the hospital after you saved him from stop. He was bleeding too much from his hole that it was alarming. I did further test just to find he was pregnant but he was losing the baby. I couldn't stop the bleeding, it was urgent to save him so i just completed by removing the foetus" Arthit said with all the guilt.

"Why didn't you say anything to us?" Phayu asked again calmly, he just wants to understand, he can't even be mad at them, his emotions are so mixed up.

"You guys were going into a lot already that we thought the news would have been too much to handle. I just wanted to protect you from any further pain Boss, I'm really sorry" Arthit said. Phayu didn't reply he just left the place.

Rain sat in the darkness of the hidden basement, his eyes blindfolded, his body bound by cords, and his mind consumed by a whirlwind of despair and hopelessness. He had shut himself off completely, not wanting his mother or Phayu to know where he was, as if the darkness around him mirrored the darkness he felt inside.

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