chapter 6 : Mating

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Not even a second later, Phayu wolf takes over, rain was pulled by his waist. He lifted him and put him on the bed. Rain gasped at the sudden attack feeling how strong phayu is, he often dreamt about this having sex with his mate, he will finally know how it feels to have someone you like fucking inside you.

His thoughts was cut by Phayu hovering him his strong and heavy body on top of his small and soft body. He bury his nose in rain's neck again, Rain tilted his head to give him more room. He couldn’t help but be excited, Phayu is so damn handsome after all, and his hot body plus his pheromones was intoxicating, rain was dying inside.

His heart was beating so fast, and there was no doubt that Phayu could feel it too how excited he is. His hole dripping slick and felt empty, he couldn’t wait for Phayu to be inside of him, to tear him apart, to knot him and fill him with his cum.

"You smell so fucking good rain fuck" he murmured behind his ears as he licks and sucks to Rain’s skin that had him rolling his eyes back feeling so damn good.

"Ahhhhh" he moans.

Rain didn't imagine his first time to be like this, but for nothing in this world he will regret this moment, his body is on fire, his heart pounding, his hole dripping, his cock painfully hard inside his pant, all of this are so new to him and he loves it, he might get addicted to phayu.

"This horny just after a kiss you're such a slut?" phayu growls against his skin.

Rain never thought that his crush on phayu was this much that he is willing to be submissive or perhaps because he is an alpha, every touches make his dick twitching. Did that mean that he was? In love?

"I guess I am just for you" he replies, as he catches phayu's lips for another wild kiss.

Both of them were lost in the new sensation, it's not time to understand the why and how, save it for later. Now place to boss and noeul to mate, phayu's rut triggers noeul's wolf to comes out despite all the scent blockers, Boss is so happy to have found his mate after so many years.

He is kissing him so wildly, sucking and biting his lips hard, Rain can't keep up he never done this before gasping for air, but he's still giving his best.

Phayu slowly puts his hand under Rain’s shirt, moving it up slowly caressing his soft skin, leaving goosebumps all over his body, until he reached his nipple and pinched it with his fingers.

"Aahhhh" Rain moaned, and his head fell back against the pillow, arching his back.

He opened his eyes and looks at Phayu who smiles at him, his fangs growing longer than earlier, and his wolf aura is back, rain thinking how beautiful and handsome phayu is now, his mom voice breaking into his head saying to run but his body no his wolf is in control right now he can't run.

Phayu licks rain's pink lips with his tongue and went back to kissing Rain’s neck, just around his gland he feels the need to taste rain and bites down on his gland but he just sucks on it slowly not going too deep afraid to break through his skin. 

"Aaaahhh" Rain felt himself go limp as he screams.

It was unexpected, and it made Rain's body shivers, though it came out more like a moan. Phayu stepped back and stared at him in panic for a few moments.

Rain looks at him with questioning eyes, his claws out and the dark look on his face. Somehow, he had Rain dripping just by looking at him, so damn hot. Rain had never found anyone this attractive, phayu is the definition of ethereal and alpha dominant.

"You taste so fucking good rain i won't be able to stop myself from biting you if my wolf takes full control over my rut" Phayu confessed.

"You can do anything to me, I'm yours" rain said holding phayu face.

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