chapter 24 : The aftermath

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Rain heat has been so intense, every time the heatwave came phayu knotted him, breeded him so well, they did it almost everywhere bathroom, living room, kitchen, in every possible positions. After three days of mating they were knocked out for more than 48hours sleeping.

Rain's mom and Arthit grew concerned when they couldn't reach them for several days. They knew rain had been feeling unwell, and despite their attempts to call, there was no response.

They decided to contact Pai, phayu's bestfriend, to see if he had any information. Pai made a call to Phayu's secretary, hoping to get some answers since he's not picking his phone. The secretary informed Pai that Phayu had taken a leave because his boyfriend was sick. This news only deepened their worry, as they now wondered if Rain's condition had worsened.

Without wasting any more time, Pai Arthit, and Niran left the pack and rushed to Phayu's house. Within few hours they arrived, they knocked on the door, but there was no response. Pai, knowing almost all Phayu's secrets, recalled the passcode and unlocked the door. They entered the house, calling out for Rain and Phayu, but there was still no answer.

Arthit and Niran searched the lower floors while Pai went upstairs to check the master bedroom. As Pai pushed open the bedroom door, relief washed over him as he saw Rain and Phayu curled up together, sound asleep. They were fully clothed, which was a relief given the situation because he really didn't want to see them naked.

Pai quickly called down to Arthit and Niran, informing them that Rain and Phayu were safe but seems deeply asleep. They joined Pai upstairs to see for themselves. Arthit being a doctor specialist in omega care, noticed a particular smell in the house that hinted at what might have happened between those two during the past days.

They were all relieved to see them being okay. Pai closed the door, they all returned downstairs. Niran decided to check the kitchen if they have something so she can prepare some food for them, knowing they would need that after their long rest. Arthit and Pai settled in the living room talking.

As they waited for Rain and Phayu to wake up, the group discussed the events leading up to this moment, laughing at how they were all worried while both were busy fucking.

Hours passed, and finally, Rain and Phayu began to stir. Phayu woke up first, being thirsty he went downstairs to take water but didn't know about the people who were already there. He rubs his eyes going down the stairs.

"Ohh finally the king is awake" Pai exclamed.

"What the fuck" Phayu said in disbelief "what are you doing here?" He added.

"I'm not alone rain's family is there too just outside taking fresh air. Can you tell me why you didn't text me you're going to fuck for days, saving us to be dead worried about you guys" Pai said frowning.

"Tsk, move i need water" phayu groaned grabbing a glass of water "I didn't know he was going into heat and we lost track of time"

"Of course you did, but eh tell me how was it?" Pai asks winking.

"I'm definitely not talking about my sexual life with you, I'm going to wake rain up, fuck how long did we slept?" He said brushing his hair

"Don't ask me" Pai replies.

Phayu shoot him a dark look then went back upstairs.

"Rain, baby wake up"

Back in the room, he sits next to his omega caressing his hair softly, rain opens his eyes slowly, his whole body feels like he was hit by a truck, every muscles aches, not to mention the back pain.

"Huh, what time is it?" Rain said with a sleepy voice.

"You should ask what day is it? We blacked out for two days, your mom and uncle are downstairs" Phayu replies

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