Chapter 26 : Good news

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Two months later, Phayu sat at his desk, engrossed in his work, when the door to his office burst open. Startled, he looked up to see his best friend, standing there with a heavy look on his face.

"Hey man" Pai greeted

"What are you doing here so early?" Phayu replies frowning his eyebrows. Pai just sighed

"What's wrong with you?" Phayu asked, concern etched in his voice as he noticed the sadness in Pai's eyes.

But Pai slumped into the chair opposite Phayu's desk and let out a deep sigh again. "I'm going into rut in few days"

"You're telling this to the wrong person, I'm not sky, what do you want me to do?" Phayu said. Their friendship has always been like this they can't help but bickering each other.

"Fuck i don't know what to do?" He ran a hand through his hair, visibly distressed.

"I don't understand can you be straight to the point" his friend said raising an eyebrow.

"Well you know with sky, we actually crossed the line and had sex, everything is perfect right now between us" he said

"Okay elaborate more" phayu replies crossing his arms.

"I have his smell on me and i don't think i can spend this rut alone. I know he is not an omega but fuck he has such a strong effect on me. He said he's okay for us to spend my rut together but i think it's a bad idea"

Phayu listened attentively "why is that a bad idea?"

"I won't be able to stop myself from biting him. The last time it was really hard but i tried. With my rut I'll lose my senses i won't be able to control what I'll do to him" he explained

"Is he okay with the biting?" Phayu asked

"He said yes. He is fine with it, if it has to happen it won't be a problem but i don't want him to go through that pain of transformation you know" Pai is indeed worried not only for him losing control but also for sky, how is he going to be after biting him.

In history of werewolf, it's forbidden to transform a human to a wolf unless it's very important or a life is in danger, a wolf can use his power to protect the beloved from dying. But the transformation of human to werewolf is painful and it has to be done carefully under the full moon.

"He knows what he is getting himself into, you shouldn't think too much about it. Talk to uncle arthit he may help you guys" phayu said trying to help his friend who seems lost.

"Fuck" Pai groans.

"Don't stress too much, he won't break or die. Those two friends are more stronger and naughtier than you think, do you want me to come with you talk to uncle arthit" seeing Pai's state he is sure this guy won't even be able to talk properly or understand anything.

"Yes please I'm kinda freaking out right now" Pai said

"Relax, let me tell rain we're going out before i slept on the couch again, he has some mood swings these days goshh" phayu called rain's line in his office asking him to come.

In a minute rain enters his boyfriend's office surprised to see pai.

"Hello P'Pai i didn't know you're here" rain said smiling.

"Baby I'm going to the pack with pai to do something urgent. I'll see you tonight at home okay" phayu said making rain sit on his lap with his arms around his waist, Pai just side eyeing them.

"Is everything alright" rain asks worried maybe something bad happened.

"Yeah don't worry everything is fine, we just need a quick talk with your uncle, this big boy here is going into rut and he is scared of hurting your friend" phayu explained.

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