chapter 29: Strengthen bonds

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Rain, exhausted both physically and emotionally, succumbed to a deep and much needed sleep that lasted nearly fifteen hours. Phayu remained steadfast by his boyfriend's side, unwilling to leave even for a moment.

Throughout the night, Phayu enveloped them in a cocoon of comforting pheromones, creating a warm and safe environment around them. His presence was a soothing balm for Rain's battered soul, providing a sense of security and reassurance.

Meanwhile, Niran, Rain's mother woke up early-ish, busied herself in the kitchen, preparing a healthy soup and some light food for her son, she didn't want to leave without talking to her child after the tragic event so she asked her brother if they can stay for one more day. She knew that Rain would need nourishment and care to regain his strength after the trauma he had endured and she'll be there for him.

As the hours passed and it was past noon, Rain stirred from his long sleep. His eyelids fluttered open, blinking against the sun light filtering through the curtains. Phayu, who had been keeping a watchful eye on him, leaned in closer.

"Baby, you're awake," Phayu said softly, his voice a gentle murmur.

Rain's gaze focused on Phayu's face, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "P'Phayu" he whispered, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

Phayu brushed a strand of hair away from Rain's forehead, his touch gentle and comforting. "How are you feeling my love?" he asked, concern etched in his eyes.

Rain took a moment to collect his thoughts, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and calmness. "I'm okay," he replied, his voice stronger now. "Just a bit tired."

"Are you hurt somewhere?" Phayu asked to be sure that he doesn't have any pain on him. He applied ointment on his small bruises when he was sleeping. Rain shook his head in response, phayu just caresses his cheeks gently.

"I'm hungry" rain said pouting, phayu chuckled, he prefers this silly rain than the empty soul he was yesterday.

Just when they were talking, they heard a knock on the door. "Who's that?" Phayu asked.

"It's me, can i come in?" rain's mom answered. Phayu looked at rain for confirmation if he is ready to see his mom, the boy just nodded, phayu replied allowing her to come in.

Niran entered the room with a bowl of steaming soup, a warm smile on her face. She didn't know rain was already up, she just made it so phayu can wake him up to feed him, he needs to eat not only for him but also the baby growing up inside him.

"I made this for you, sweetheart," she said, placing the bowl on the bedside table. "It'll help you feel better."

Rain nodded, he sat up slowly, leaning against the pillows, while Phayu helped him with the soup.

Rain savored the nourishing warmth of the soup, she puts lemon in it so he can eat it without throwing everything. Phayu and Niran exchanged relieved glances, silently acknowledging the progress Rain had made in just a few hours, he looks much more like himself.

"I'm so glad you're feeling better Rain" Niran said, her voice filled with maternal affection.

Rain just smiled at his mother "Thank you Mom" he said. He knows they have to talk but for now he just wants to feel loved and reassured.

Phayu squeezed Rain's hand gently, his eyes reflecting his love, he knows his omega needs all the support right now especially with the pregnancy.

"We're always here for you my love. I'll Always be here with you okay" Phayu vowed, rain nodded again feeling the weight of life lifted from his shoulder.

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