chapter 25 : unhealed trauma

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Rain sat at his desk, his gaze fixed on the computer screen, analyzing financial statements with a furrowed brow. After the intense heat they were back to work. Phayu, paced back and forth behind him, the tension in the air palpable as they navigated the intricacies of the crucial project together. The deadline loomed over them like a dark cloud, adding to the pressure they already felt.

"Rain, we need to make sure every detail is perfect," Phayu said, his voice edged with urgency. "This project is too important for any mistakes."

"I know, P'Phayu please relax" Rain replied, not taking his eyes off the screen. "I'm going through everything meticulously. We'll get it right."

As the days passed, the workload increased, and so did the stress. Phayu's usually calm began to crack under the weight of the project building a new mall that will not only be beneficial for investors but also create new jobs for young people, they have to provide the right informations about the near amount needed and all the ressources.

Phayu became more demanding, overworking them, pushing his employees to their limits to ensure everything was flawless.

One day, as they were nearing the final stages of the project, Phayu discovered an error that sent him over the edge.

"What is this" He slammed his hand on the desk, his voice booming through the meeting room as he vented his frustration. "Why is this happening? How could you overlook such a crucial detail?"

The employees exchanged uneasy glances, feeling the brunt of Phayu's wrath. Rain stepped in, trying to diffuse the situation. "P'Phayu, it's a mistake, but we can fix it. We still have time before the deadline."

"Time?" Phayu scoffed. "We don't have time to spare for mistakes like this! We need to be perfect."

Rain's heart sank as he saw the strain on Phayu's face. He knew how much this project meant to him, but he also understood that pushing too hard would only lead to more problems.

"P'Phayu, please trust me," Rain pleaded. "I'm doing everything I can, we all are. We'll find a solution together."

"If you were doing your best, we wouldn't be in this mess," Phayu retorted, his frustration boiling over.

Rain was shocked to see how phayu was reacting and not considering anyone feelings, he just stepped out saying he's going back to work it through.

The little argument left them both feeling distant and cold for the rest of the day. Rain couldn't shake off the sadness, he felt seeing Phayu revert to his old behaviour, harsh and cold they way he was from their early working days.

But rain tried to focus on his work he knew they needed to find a way to bridge the gap and work together harmoniously to complete the project successfully.

Despite the tension and the rift that had developed between them, Rain knew they couldn't afford to let their personal differences interfere with their professional responsibilities. The project demanded their full attention and cooperation, no matter how strained their relationship had become.

As the hours ticked by, Rain immersed himself in finding a solution to the error they had encountered. He worked tirelessly, pouring over data, consulting with the team, and brainstorming ideas. Meanwhile, Phayu, still grappling with his frustration, tried to channel his energy into overseeing the other aspects of the project.

Finally, after long hours of relentless effort, Rain stumbled upon a solution. He rushed to Phayu's office, excitement and relief evident in his expression.

"P'Phayu, I think I've figured it out," Rain said, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Phayu, who had been poring over documents, looked up, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "What is it? Have you found a way to rectify the error?"

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