chapter 31: Bestie Talk

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"OMG, stop" Sky exclaimed, interrupting Rain mid-sentence.

In Rain's room, the atmosphere shifted as his best friend expressed his frustration. They hadn't spent much time together lately, with Sky caught up in work and a new relationship and the incident with rain. But now, sitting face to face, Sky couldn't contain his bitterness any longer.

Rain reached out, gently grasping Sky's arm, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, Sky. It's just been... a lot" he murmured, his voice filled with regret.

"I didn't mean to shut you out." He added, after everything that happened rain didn't have time to talk with his friend even if sky called, he even found time and came to see him but he was sleeping but rain never called back.

Sky sighed, his anger softening as he looked into Rain's eyes. "I know rain. I understand," he replied, his tone more sympathetic now. "You know I'm here for you, right?"

Rain nodded gratefully, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Yeah, I know. And I'm sorry for not telling you" he admitted, his voice tinged with a bit guilt, how come he forgot to share that great news with sky but things went too fast that he forgot almost everything.

With the tension eased between them, they fell into easy conversation, catching up on everything they'd missed, rain shared about the crazy girl and how she put his life and the baby's life in danger that almost made sky very angry, but he is grateful his bestfriend is completely fine now.

Phayu had a meeting today so it was good sky came over to be with rain while he'll be working, he didn't want to leave him alone knowing how rain mental is not stable right now, he can be really sad at anytime which can be bad for his health and the baby.

"Now, spill the tea. I want all the juicy details" rain said with a mischievous grin, eager to hear about sky's recent experiences with his boyfriend.

Sky chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly at the mention of his recent incredible mating night with P'Pai.

"Oh, you want details, huh?" he teased, playfully nudging rain's shoulder with his finger. "Well, let's just say it was... unforgettable." he added.

Rain leaned in closer, his eyes filled with curiosity "The bite mark on your neck wow" he couldn't help but notice the faint redness lingering around Sky's mating bite, a visible reminder of the night. Sensing Rain's gaze, Sky shifted slightly feeling a rush of embarrassment.

With a deep breath, Sky turned to face Rain again, their eyes meeting in an unspoken understanding. "Okay, I'll tell you everything," he said, a soft smile playing on his lips as he recalled the unforgettable night.

"P'Pai was......Mmmm incredible" Sky started, his voice tinged with awe. "He was so gentle, yet rough at the same time, like he couldn't wait to claim me as his own."

Rain listened intently, his eyes sparkling with excitement as Sky painted a vivid picture of the passionate encounter. "And when his fangs pierced my skin..." Sky paused, his expression shifting as he tried to put the sensation into words. "It was like... my entire body was consumed by a wave of inexplicable pleasure. I felt like my soul was leaving my body, merging with his in that moment."

"That's so amazing, your first time went the way you wanted" rain teared up, sky has been through a lot especially in high school when he dated that boy who made his life like hell, but now he found not only true love but a soulmate.

"Actually it was more than what I expected, you know, the way he took me.... I can't put words on it but I really enjoyed every second of our mating"

As Sky spoke, Rain's heart swelled with happiness for his best friend, knowing that he had finally found his other half even if he is not human, who knew that this can happen a wolf's mate being a normal human.

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