chapter 13 : Taking care of his mate

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As the battle reached its climax, Phayu's patience wore thin with Stop's relentless taunts and attacks. Despite his injuries, Stop continued to provoke Phayu, pushing him to the brink of his patience and sanity. With each insult and blow, Phayu's rage grew until it consumed him entirely.

He faced the alpha, with a roar of primal fury, Phayu unleashed his full power, tapping into the depths of his alpha abilities. The air crackled with energy as his muscles tensed, his senses heightened to his superhuman level. In that moment, he was no longer just a werewolf, he was a force of nature, a being of pure power and instinct.

Stop's eyes widened in shock as he saw the extent of Phayu's powers. He stumbled backward, his own injuries slowing him down as he struggled to keep pace with the alpha's relentless assault. But it was too late.

With a swift motion, Phayu closed the distance between them, his claws gleaming in the moonlight as he delivered a devastating blow to Stop's chest. The force of the impact sent Stop sprawling to the ground, his body wracked with pain as he gasped for breath.

Phayu stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion as he glared down at his fallen adversary.

"You brought this upon yourself," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

"You could have chosen a different path, but you chose to embrace darkness and destruction. Now you must face the consequences of your actions."

Stop's eyes flashed with defiance as he struggled to rise, his body battered and broken but his spirit unbroken.

"You may have defeated me," he spat, his voice thick with hatred, "but you'll never be able to erase the pain and suffering I've caused to your pack"

But Phayu's heart remained unmoved by Stop's words. With a final, decisive blow, he ended Stop's life, his claws piercing the alpha's heart with deadly precision.

"You made me miss a beautiful moment i planned with my mate this weekend" phayu growls taking out his claws from stop's heart.

As Stop's body went limp beneath him, Phayu felt a sense of closure wash over him, his mind finally at peace knowing that the threat to his pack had been vanquished.


As Pai rushed to the hospital, his heart pounded with fear and urgency. The image of Rain, pale and weak, flashed through his mind, driving him forward with a sense of determination. He knew that every passing moment was precious, and he couldn't afford to waste a single second.

Arriving at the hospital, Pai wasted no time in seeking out Arthit, the most skilled doctor in the North Pack. With trembling hands, he dialed Arthit's number, his voice urgent as he relayed the details of Rain's condition.

"Doctor Arthit, it's Pai," he said, his voice tight with emotion. "Rain has been badly injured. We need your help."

Arthit's heart clenched at the news, his mind racing with worry for his nephew's safety. Without hesitation, he rushed to the hospital, his thoughts consumed by the need to save Rain's life.

Meanwhile, Rain's mother Niran arrived at the hospital, waited anxiously, her heart heavy with fear for her son. Tears welled in her eyes as she clutched her hands tightly together, praying for Rain's swift recovery.

When Arthit arrived at the hospital, his heart sank at the sight of Rain lying pale and weak on the hospital bed. With a sense of urgency, he joined the medical team in the emergency room, his years of experience guiding his every move as he assessed Rain's injuries.

Pai stood by Rain's side, his eyes filled with tears as he watched the medical team work tirelessly to save his friend's mate life. Every fiber of his being ached with the need to do something, anything, to help Rain, but all he could do was stand by and wait, his heart heavy with fear and uncertainty.

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