chapter 10: Navigating the Aftermath

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The morning sun casts a soft glow over the office, illuminating the remnants of an encounter that had blurred the lines between professionalism and new relationships.

As Phayu stepped into the bustling office, a genuine smile graced his lips for the first time in what felt like ages. His employees couldn't help but notice the change in his behaviour, exchanging curious looks amongst themselves.

"What's gotten into him?" one of his colleagues whispered to another, both puzzled by Phayu's sudden good mood.

Meanwhile, Rain couldn't help but notice Phayu's radiant smile as he moved through the office. His heart skipped a beat as phayu gaze lingered on him for a moment longer than usual, a tension simmering between them after their heartfelt conversation the night before.

As the day progressed, Phayu found himself stealing glances at Rain whenever he could, making excuses to bring rain in his office, like asking question he already knew the answer just to be able to see rain's face or walking through the corridor looking inside rain's cabin watching him working. He had made up his mind to do things right this time, to win his heart and mend the rift between them.

Rain, too, couldn't shake off the intensity of Phayu's gaze. There was something different about him today, something sincere that stirred a longing within him.

Throughout the day, Phayu made a conscious effort to involve Rain in discussions and meetings, seeking his input and valuing his opinions. He couldn't deny the electricity that sparked between them whenever their eyes met, a silent acknowledgment of their bond that bound them together.

As the workday drew to a close, Phayu's going to Rain's office, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Knocking softly on his door, he entered with a smile, his eyes meeting Rain's beautiful doe eyes.

"Hey, Rain. Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, come in take a sit. Do you need something you should have called me Sir i mean errr P'" rain struggles, phayu chuckled at his cuteness.

"It's okay i understand, and no i don't need anything. I just wanted to give you a ride home and maybe eat dinner together" he said

Rain smiled softly...

"I would love that, just give me a moment i need to close my balance." He replies.

Phayu nodded, he stayed there watching him working but rain can't work efficiently when there's someone literally eating him with his eyes.

"Are you going to wait here?" He added, Phayu nodded again, rain's eyes widened.

"What?, no please wait in your office I'll wrap it up quickly i can't concentrate with you looking at me like this" rain said.

Phayu stood bending over, lowering himself to rain's level with his hands inside his pockets bringing his face closer to him.

"Am i making you feel nervous" he whispers, Rain's heart skipped a beat, of course he's nervous.

"N- no" rain mumbles. His eyes looking everywhere except phayu's face.

Phayu reached across the desk, his hand gently resting on his.

"Call me when you're done" he said then turned back to leave the office. Rain's breath caught in his throat as he nodded.

Rain worked as fast as he could, going to the bathroom he looks at himself on the mirror to fix his hair and makeup. He texted phayu saying he is waiting at the parking so phayu left the office quickly going out, a charming smile playing on his lips when he saw rain standing in front of his car.

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