chapter 34: Moving to the pack

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Today Phayu woke up with a sense of excitement bubbling within him. The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Beside him, Rain slept peacefully, his rounded form relaxed and serene. Phayu couldn't help but smile as he watched his omega, knowing that today has a special surprise for him, his hand slowly caressed his belly and kissed his forehead.

Quietly slipping out of bed, Phayu got out of the room with a light step. He wanted everything to be perfect today for Rain and of course both of them, it's a new step they were going to take. He went to the kitchen, the aroma of freshly orange juice filling the air. As he prepared breakfast, his thoughts were consumed by the plans that lay ahead.

The past few months had been a whirlwind for them. Rain's pregnancy had brought both joy and challenges. Phayu had taken on the responsibility of caring for Rain with unwavering devotion, ensuring his omega's well-being above all else.

But today marked a significant milestone, they were entering the second trimester, a period of relative stability and growth for the baby. Phayu had been in constant communication with Rain's family, discussing the next steps to ensure Rain's safety and comfort.

A plan had been put in motion. Phayu had arranged for them to temporarily relocate to the pack, where Rain could receive proper care and protection among their own kind. It was an unconventional move, but necessary to safeguard Rain and the baby during this crucial time.

Rain can't stay any longer amongst human, being a boy in their eyes and pregnant will only alarm and rise questions. Rain's uncle had been instrumental in organizing their arrival at the pack, phayu instructed him to prepare a mating ceremony to reveal to the pack finally rain's identity.

Most of them knew the leader founded his mate but they don't know who is the later. Since everything turned out in peace, they're no longer in danger, phayu want them to live a peaceful life in their own pack. Together Arthit, Niran and Pai had prepared everything to welcome them with open arms.

Phayu set the breakfast on a plate, his mind raced with thoughts of the future. He had bought a new house in the pack a sanctuary where Rain could feel safe and at ease. The support from Rain's family filled Phayu with gratitude and reassurance.

With breakfast ready, Phayu returned to the bedroom. He approached the bed where Rain lay sleeping, his features softened in slumber. He put the plate on the bedside table and gently brushing a stray lock of hair from Rain's forehead, Phayu leaned in close.

"Good morning my love," Phayu murmured, his voice infused with tenderness.

Rain stirred, his eyes fluttering open to meet Phayu's gaze. A sleepy smile graced his lips as he stretched languidly.

"Morning P'Phayu," Rain replied, his voice still husky with sleep.

Phayu's smile widened. "I've made breakfast for us" he announced, his eyes alight with excitement. "Come, let's eat together." During these times rain only eats if phayu also eats with him or he won't. Phayu wondering it's him the baby or the pup growing inside him, well in both case they're his babies.

Rain sat up slowly, the soft morning light illuminating his features. Phayu brought the plate on his lap with fluffy pancakes, fresh fruit, and steaming cups of coffee.

They settled together eating peacefully, phayu asking if he's fine, how did he sleep etc... questions of care to make sure his omega is alright. Phayu kept the mood light, regaling Rain with plans and ideas for their future in the pack.

"Today is a special day my love," Phayu began, his gaze tender as he looked at Rain. "I have a surprise for you." He added, rain looked up surprised he was eating a good portion of pancakes and phayu is happy that he can now eat without discomfort.

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