chapter 19 : Always been yours

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In the quiet moments before dawn, Phayu stirred from his slumber, the warmth of Rain's body pressed against his. With a contented sigh, he opened his eyes to find Rain's sleeping form nestled against his chest, the soft rise and fall of his breaths lulling Phayu into a state of peaceful tranquility.

Gently pulling himself from Rain's embrace, Phayu slid out of bed, careful not to disturb his omega's rest. As he made his way downstairs, the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room and illuminating Rain's beautiful face.

Phayu returned to the bedroom to find Rain beginning to stir, his eyes fluttering open

"Good morning" he greeted Phayu with a sleepy smile. The sight of his omega's gentle expression never failed to fill Phayu's heart with warmth.

"Good morning baby" he couldn't help but press a tender kiss to Rain's forehead before helping him out of bed.

Together, they moved through their morning routine with ease, they bathed and dressed, with breakfast prepared by the maids and their belongings gathered, they made their way to the kitchen, where they shared a meal together.

As they finished their breakfast, Phayu took Rain's hand in his own, his gaze soft with affection as he whispered,

"Are you ready for the day my love?"

Rain nodded, a smile gracing his lips as he squeezed Phayu's hand in return.

"Always will be with you" he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

With a final glance exchanged between them, they made their way out the door, their steps in perfect sync as they embarked on another day together. After everything that happened they deserve to be happy for once.


As they arrived at the office, Phayu and Rain shared a lingering goodbye kiss, with a smile, Phayu watched as Rain disappeared into his office which is just next to him.

Settling into his own workspace, Phayu allowed himself a moment of reflection, his thoughts drifting despite the dangers that still lingered in the air, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the love they shared and the life they were building together.

Lost in his thoughts, Phayu was startled by the sound of his office door opening, and he looked up to find Rain standing in the doorway, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Mind if I join you, alpha?" Rain teased, a playful grin spreading across his lips.

Phayu chuckled, unable to resist rain teasy attitude. "Of course, my love come in" he replied, gesturing for Rain to enter, the boy laughs.

"I'm just kidding, hum i need you to sign this document please" Phayu took the document and sign but rain can see his alpha trouble face.

"Is everything okay, you seem lost in your thoughts" he asks softly.

"Yes baby, don't worry just the weight of my busy schedule" he tried to put on a smile but rain can see it's fake, if phayu doesn't want to talk about what bothering him now, he better just leave it and maybe ask later again.


In the afternoon during lunch with rain, Phayu received a call from one of the staff, a smile spreading across his face as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line. When he hung up, he turned to Rain with a grin.

"That was the team from the marketing department," Phayu explained, his voice filled with excitement. "They want to feature us in the company newsletter as the power couple of the year."

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