chapter 17 : The true story part 1

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5 years before the attack.

Pakin sat on a weathered bench, his gaze fixed on the distant stadium where the university's sports teams clashed in fierce competition. His attention, however, wasn't on the game but on Nat, the captivating omega cheerleader whose presence seemed to illuminate the entire stadium. With her flawless complexion, doe eyes, and a figure that seemed sculpted from the heavens, she embodied perfection in Pakin's eyes. He admired her from afar, too timid to approach her despite his longing to do so.

Lost in his thoughts, Pakin was startled by the sudden appearance of his best friend, Mhok.

"What are you doing here all alone?" Mhok's voice broke through Pakin's reverie, snapping him back to reality. "Let's go to class."

Pakin sighed, torn between his desire to stay and watch Nat and the obligation to attend class.

"I... I was just... taking a break," he stammered, unable to admit his infatuation with Nat to his friend.

Mhok raised an eyebrow, studying Pakin intently. "You've been acting strange lately, Pakin. Is everything alright?" Concern laced his words as he sat down next to Pakin, his gaze following Pakin's to the stadium.

Pakin hesitated, unsure whether to confide in Mhok about his feelings for Nat. But the weight of his emotions became too heavy to bear alone.

"It's Nat," he finally admitted. "I... I can't stop thinking about her."

Mhok's eyes widened in surprise before a knowing grin spread across his face.

"Ah, I see," he chuckled, nudging Pakin playfully. "You've got a crush on her, don't you?"

Pakin flushed crimson, embarrassed by his own transparency. "It's not like that," he protested weakly, though his heart betrayed him with each beat.

Mhok's grin widened into a mischievous smirk. "Sure, Pakin. Whatever you say," he teased, before sobering up.

"But if you really like her, why don't you talk to her? You're the future leader of our pack, after all. You should have the confidence to approach her."

Pakin sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration, he has the confidence, nothing scares him except Nat, he becomes weak at her presence and can't find his words.

"It's not that easy, Mhok. You don't understand."

Mhok placed a reassuring hand on Pakin's shoulder. "Then help me understand, what's the problem Pakin, it's not like you to play hide and seek like this. You know I'll always be here for you."

Pakin stood up from the bench, ready to face the challenges ahead, both in the classroom and in matters of the heart.

"You're right it's not like me, Mhok," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "Let's go to class now we might be late."

Mhok grinned, clapping Pakin on the back in encouragement.

"That's the spirit, Pakin! I knew you had it in you." With a shared nod, they began to make their way toward the university buildings, the weight of impending graduation hanging heavy in the air.

As they walked, Pakin couldn't shake the nervous fluttering in his stomach, knowing that his encounter with Nat awaited him at the end of the day. But with Mhok by his side, he felt sense of confidence, a belief that perhaps he could muster the courage to finally speak to her.

The classroom buzzed with anticipation as students prepared for their final lessons before graduation. Pakin and Mhok found their seats, exchanging glances filled with determination and a hint of nervousness. But as the lesson began and the professor launched into their lecture, Pakin found his mind wandering, his thoughts consumed once again by Nat.

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