chapter 21 : Finally safe and sound

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In the dim light of the aging house, Pai's father, Chai, finally finished telling the story, his voice a mere whisper against the silence that enveloped them like a shroud. The weight of years, of secrets too long held, seemed to bow his shoulders as he spoke of the events that had unfolded, of trust misplaced, and the catastrophic consequences that followed.

Phayu and his son, sat opposite him, their expressions a tableau of shock, anger, and disbelief. After hearing the truth the young alphas sitting on the sofa speechless with mixed of emotions.

Chai's hands trembled slightly as he recounted the final words, revealing the depth of his guilt and sorrow. He had been a key figure in a tragedy that, not only shook the foundations of their pack but also led to the personal ruin of the family he was supposed to protect. The silence that followed felt almost suffocating.

"I..." Chai's voice broke, laden with emotion. "I am so sorry. I never... I never meant for any of that to happen. If I had known, I would have-" His voice trailed off, choked by unshed tears.

Phayu's face, usually so impassive and controlled, was a storm of emotions. Anger, yes, but beneath that, a swirling torrent of pain and confusion. He had grown up haunted by the loss of his parents and the mystery of his past of why did that happen, and now, the source of that pain sat in front him, broken and repentant.

Pai tried to hide his feelings, disappointment, guilt, anger, remorse, he looked between the two others, his eyes wide and troubled. He had never seen his father so visibly shaken like this nor witnessed such a vulnerable confession, he's angry at him but also feeling bad, it must have been so hard for him all those years.

For a long moment, no one spoke. The silence stretched, becoming almost a physical presence in the room.

Finally, Phayu cleared his throat, his voice steady, but the undercurrent of his pain was palpable.

"You were supposed to protect us" he said, the words heavy with accusation. "You were trusted by everyone, by my parents. How could you let that happen and slipped?"

Chai flinched as if received a slap on his face, the weight of Phayu's words more punishing than any physical blow.

"I know," he replied, his voice raw. "I trusted Sig too, believed in our friendship, in our shared dreams for a better future for our pack. By the time I realized his true intentions, it was too late. I've lived with that guilt every day, haunted by my failure."

Pai watched the exchange, a tumult of thoughts racing through his mind. He saw the pain in his father's eyes, the burden, and he understood then that this revelation did not just implicate his father but it reopened wounds for Phayu that had never fully healed.

"But why keep this secret for so long? Why dad?" Pai's voice broke through the heavy air, his question directed at his father but fueled by his own sense of betrayal, disappointment and curiosity.

Chai met his son's gaze, the depth of his sorrow reflected in his eyes. "I feared the truth would cause more harm than good, that it would reopen old wounds, stir unrest within our community. But I see now that silence and secrets do more damage than the truth ever could. You deserved to know, to have the chance to understand and, perhaps, to find a way to heal."

Phayu absorbed chai's words, the storm in his eyes slowly abating, giving way to a weary resignation. The anger that had simmered beneath the surface was being slowly doused by an understanding of the complexities and that everyone makes mistake.

"Your silence didn't protect anyone. It just delayed the pain, made it fester, caused more damage. If i knew i would have perhaps tried to talk with stop but now it's too late" Phayu said, his voice softer now, but no less intense. "But I... I can't hold onto this anger. It won't bring back my parents, it won't change the past."

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