chapter 38: Angry leader

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A few days had passed since the incident with Rain and the harsh words from the other omegas. Rain had been recovering well, surrounded by the unwavering support of Phayu and his family. His health is stable, and their pup is growing strong. Last week, they visited the hospital for a thorough check-up since Rain was almost six months along.

Although they initially wanted the sex of their pup to remain a surprise, Arthit insisted on knowing due to the mystical nature of rain being an omega male pregnant, which could result in giving birth to a female alpha, another omega male, or a normal child. The tests would reveal more as the pup developed.

This morning rain woke up feeling a flutter of excitement in his chest. Today was the day they would finally find out the sex of their baby, and he couldn't wait to start thinking of names. Carefully, he slipped out of bed, not wanting to disturb Phayu, who was still deep in sleep. He made his way to the bathroom, eager to start his morning routine.

Once inside, Rain removed all his clothes, ready to take a shower. As he stood in front of the mirror, his reflection caught his attention. He took in the changes to his body, his legs and arms were puffier, his chest had grown fuller, and his once flat stomach was now a large, big and rounded belly as if he just swallowed a big watermelon. He couldn't even see his small dick between his legs anymore.

"How fat I've become, even my ass is big" he whispered to himself, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Despite the changes, he felt a deep sense of contentment and proud. Each change was a testament to the life growing inside him, and he was overjoyed to be carrying their baby, giving phayu and him a family they always wanted to. He couldn't believe the once hate turned into love, well they didn't really hate each other that much.

Phayu stirred from his sleep, he woke up a few minutes later to an empty bed. The house was unusually quiet. "Rain?" he called, but there was no answer. Concerned, he got up and headed to the bathroom. When he opened the door, he found Rain standing naked in front of the mirror, lost in thought.

"P'Phayu?" Rain gasped in surprise at Phayu's sudden appearance. Phayu chuckled, stepping into the bathroom. "What are you doing?" he asked, wrapping his arms around Rain's belly from behind. He gently caressed Rain's belly, his hands warm and soothing.

Rain leaned back into Phayu's arms, feeling the solid warmth of his body. "Just looking at myself. I can't believe how much I've changed."

Phayu nuzzled Rain's neck, inhaling his scent deeply. "Good morning" he murmured in his deep morning voice. "You still look beautiful."

Rain blushed, turning his head to meet Phayu's gaze. "You really think so? I'm fat now and look like a big balloon. Am i still attractive like this?"

"Absolutely," Phayu replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're carrying our baby. Every change is a part of that miracle and i love every part of your body."

They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, sharing a quiet, intimate moment. Rain felt a surge of love for Phayu, grateful for his constant support and love.

After a few more minutes, they decided to get ready for their appointment. Rain stepped into the shower first, letting the warm water cascade over his body. Phayu joined him shortly after, helping him wash. They moved together in a practiced dance, their touches gentle and filled with affection.

Once they were dressed and ate breakfast, they headed to the hospital. Rain's excitement was palpable, and Phayu couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. They arrived at the hospital and were greeted by Arthit, who led them to the examination room.

"Good morning, Rain, Phayu" Arthit greeted them warmly. "How are you feeling today, Rain?"

"A bit nervous but mostly excited," Rain admitted, settling onto the examination table.

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