chapter 40: Welcome to the world

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As Rain's pregnancy progressed into the final trimester, Phayu found himself more captivated by his mate than ever before. Rain's body had transformed beautifully, his belly rounded with the life they had created together. To Phayu, Rain had never looked more alluring. Despite trying to push these thoughts aside, the urge to be close to Rain and take him had become impossible to ignore.

Arthit had mentioned that sex could help prepare Rain for the birth, a notion that filled Phayu with both excitement and apprehension. He worried about hurting his omega and the pup, unsure of how tender or rough he could be without causing harm. But every time he looked at Rain, he feels more and more attracted to him, especially now as Rain stood before him, his intoxicating pheromones drawing them together.

Phayu stepped closer, cupping Rain's face in his hands. His eyes were dark with desire as he leaned in, capturing his baby's plump, juicy lips in a passionate kiss. Rain responded automatically to the kiss giving him access to his whole. Phayu sucked and nipped at his lips, his tongue pushing inside to explore every corner of his mouth. The taste of rain felt different nowadays and was intoxicating, Phayu lost himself in the sensation.

Rain groaned softly into the kiss, gripping Phayu's waist for balance as his knees began to weaken. His heart pounded with need, feeling his body respond to every caresses and kisses, his skin burning under Phayu's light touch. The warmth and wetness between his legs intensified as his hole dripping.

Phayu bit his bottom lip between the kiss, his desire almost impossible to control. He pulled back slightly, his lips brushing against Rain’s cheek before trailing down to his neck. The scent of Rain’s gland, rich and sweet, ignited an intense urge within him to mark him. He licked around the gland, his tongue teasing before pressing a tender kiss against it. Rain's head fell back, his eyes shutting, surrendering completely and giving Phayu full access.

Phayu’s hands moved slowly around his body, savoring every moment as he undressed him. He gently removed Rain’s shirt, revealing his swollen belly and the new curves that drove him wild. He dropped Rain’s shorts along his underwear, he ran his hands over Rain’s soft, warm skin, whispering to his ear...

“You’re so beautiful, Rain. You know how you drive me crazy.”

Rain shivered at Phayu’s touch, his body responding with an eagerness that matched Phayu’s intensity. He arched into Phayu’s caresses, feeling a mix of vulnerability and desire. Phayu’s fingers traced the outline of Rain’s belly then grips his ass firmly.

“P'Phayu” Rain whispered, his voice breathless a blend of need and love. “Please...”

Phayu pulled back slightly, his breath ragged. "I don't want to hurt you, I'll be very gentle."

Rain looked into Phayu's eyes, he trusts him with his life. He knows phayu won't do anything to harm him intentionally and this will only be the sweetest moment between them.

With a growl of need, Phayu guided Rain into the bed and laying him down gently. He stripped off his own clothes before helping rain to settle on the side, careful not to rush. Rain's body, full and beautiful, exposed before him, and Phayu took a moment to admire the sight.

"You're so perfect fuck" Phayu murmured, his voice filled with awe. He leaned down, kissing Rain's swollen belly, feeling the soft kicks of their pup. "Oh" that made them both laugh "Can you feel how much i love your dada, close your eyes baby okay don't watch this" he said with a kiss on his belly.

Rain's heart swelled at Phayu's words, his fingers threading softly through Phayu's hair. "He can feel how exited I am" rain said

Phayu moved up, laying to spoon him behind. His hands roamed on Rain's body, caressing the soft curves and sensitive spots while kissing his neck. Rain's soft moans filled the room, his body arching in demand of more.

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