chapter 5: Unexpected Rut

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An unexpected turn of events disrupted the fragile equilibrium. Phayu's rut, the natural biological cycle of heightened Alpha pheromone production, triggered unexpectedly, how can he forgot about his rut, he's always caution about it and take a leave.

Since rain entered his company, his life, he found himself getting lost, forgetful and not to mention his attraction towards him that is growing bigger every day.

Phayu was sitting in his office when his rut triggers, sweating, breathing heavily, he searched everywhere but couldn't find his suppressant.

"Where is it?" He growls. He is in pain he can't even move by himself, his dick starts to harden, he tried his best to stand and go in the bathroom maybe cold water will help.

His pheromones, potent and irresistible, permeated the office environment, thank goodness they're not wolf hybrid his pheromones can't affect them, but right now he needs to get out of this place and go home.

Rain was sitting inside his office cabin, he saw phayu going out walking really weirdly he wanted to run behind him and help but he didn't, so he continues working but after half an hour he can't see phayu coming back wondering where did he go.

He asks his secretary again she said she saw him going in the bathroom but he didn't come out yet maybe he has an upset stomach, so rain went back to work but couldn't stop being worried, why is he even worried about him? He doesn't understand his heart, why can't he stop thinking about the alpha.

Rain, seated at his desk, felt the subtle shift in the air. His senses, heightened by his Omega nature, he never smelled this before. The suppressants, once effective in shielding him from the influence of Alpha's pheromones, now waned in the face of an unexpected and potent rut.

Rain found himself attracted by the smell as if it was calling for him, He walks through the corridor and found himself inside the bathroom.

"Hello?", Rain plastered his ear against the door of the last stall as he knocks. Phayu was definitely inside breathing heavily.

"Do you need help sir what's going on?" Rain says worriedly, his body pulling towards phayu he doesn't understand why he feels the need to help him.

But no one answered, the heavy breathing kept going and growling hard .

"Get the fuck out of here rain" phayu said with a deep horse voice after a moment.

"Well, damn, no need to be this harsh, I was trying to help you know"

"I don't need your help just fuck off" phayu growls again, his voice sounds different rain can sense or feel his pain.

"What's wrong with him? Well fuck it" he whispers but still worried about phayu.

"Since you don't want my help I'm going to call someone else maybe you can let them help you" he said

Rain was about to walk out of the bathroom, however, he heard the door clapping with such force that it made him jump and scared him. Phayu coming out looking wrecked and powerless, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He had a weird attracting smell on him, Rain couldn’t exactly explain it, but phayu seemed different, there was a certain animalistic intensity irradiating from him. Rain wondering if his suspicions was correct, is phayu a wolf hybrid too, since he left his pack he has no good memories of how alpha looks like.

It was a bit terrifying for him, phayu looking at him as if he wants to kill him, no, to eat him alive. But not as terrifying as it should have been, he is attracted to him, his inside feeling weird, he wants to touch him, feel him, kiss him as if he can heal him, phayu seems in so much pain.

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