chapter 32: horny pregnant wife

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In the stillness of the night, Rain's eyes fluttered open, his gaze immediately drawn to the sight of his alpha laying beside him, peaceful and serene. But as he took in the sight of Phayu's toned physique, his senses ignited, a wave of desire washing over him like a tidal wave.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull of his alpha's presence, Rain's hand reached out tentatively, his fingers trailing lightly over Phayu's bare chest, tracing the contours of his muscles with a delicate touch. He could feel the heat radiating from Phayu's skin, the pulse of desire quickening with each caress feeling himself lost.

Phayu suddenly woke up from the gentle touches, his eyes fluttering open to meet Rain's intense gaze. Without a word, he understood the silent plea in Rain's eyes, the unspoken desire that hung heavy in the air between them. It has been like this since the first day, their eyes speaks more than words and in that moment, there was no need for words.

With a primal hunger burning within him, Phayu pulled him by his neck, capturing Rain's lips in a hungry, passionate kiss. Their mouths melded together in a fiery embrace, tongues dancing as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment.

The world fell away around them, he room was filled with pheromones, their lips moving in perfect synchronicity exploring every inch of one another with a feverish urgency. Each touch, each kiss, fueled the flames of their desire, igniting a passion that burned hotter than any fire.

Phayu's arms wrapped around rain's waist holding him against him, rain moaning into the kiss feeling the tight grip, his lips are being sucked, his skin feels like burning up with sudden desire, his hole starting to drip and he's feeling himself getting hard.

As they finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, Rain gazed down at Phayu with eyes filled with love and longing. His finger trailed his alpha's jawline then hold his chin "I want you" he said eating him up with his eyes and biting his lips, phayu almost lost it.

Phayu growled in response to Rain's words, a primal heat surged through him, rain's words went straight to his cock, his desire for his omega igniting like a flame and feel his cock getting hard inside his underwear. But even in the midst of it, Phayu remained mindful of Rain's delicate condition, his instincts as an alpha tempered by the knowledge of his omega's pregnancy.

With a tender touch, Phayu gently laid Rain back on the bed, his movements slow and deliberate, mindful of the precious life growing within his omega. He made sure not to put too much weight on Rain, knowing that even the slightest pressure could cause discomfort.

Despite Arthit's assurance that they could still engage in intimacy, Phayu vowed to proceed with the utmost care and caution. He would never forgive himself if he were to inadvertently harm Rain or their unborn child.

Positioning himself between Rain's legs, Phayu leaned down to capture his omega's lips in another searing kiss, but this time, he tempered the intensity with a gentleness born of love and concern. Their mouths moved together in a slow, sensual dance, each touch imbued with tenderness and reverence. Rain's fingers inside phayu's hair pulling him closer to him to deepen the kiss.

Their bodies slightly pressed together, Phayu allowed himself to be lost in the moment, his desire for Rain overwhelming his alpha senses. But with each caress, each whispered word of love, he remained acutely aware of the precious life they were nurturing together.

"You know how to drive me crazy naughty boy" he groaned behind rain's ears.

Phayu trailed kisses down Rain's neck, he couldn't help but be drawn to the sensitive gland just behind his omega's ear. With a hungry need, he pressed his lips against the tender flesh, his tongue tracing delicate circles around the pulsing gland.

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