chapter 35: My omega male

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Rain was reluctant to wake up from the cozy depths of his bed. The warmth of the house enveloped him like a protective embrace, and the peace within felt as soft as a cloud. Here, nestled in their new house surrounded by nature's beauty, trees, fresh air, and the comforting smell of their pack. Rain found a rare happiness that seemed to banish the painful memories of his past life among humans which was filled with only struggles.

He stirred stretching his arms, he sensed the sunlight filtering through the windows, casting gentle rays across the room. With a soft groan, he buried his face into the pillows once again, unwilling to let go of the dreamlike comfort. However, a sudden scent tickled his nose, his eyes flickered open and he realized Phayu wasn't beside him. Perhaps downstairs, he speculated, before glancing at the clock.

"13 PM!" Rain gasped softly to himself.

How long had he slept? It was rare for him to slumber so late into the day. Is this because he's pregnant or just the peaceful atmosphere? With deliberation, he pushed himself up from the bed, the heaviness of sleep still clinging to his limbs. He made his way to the bathroom to wash his face then go downstairs looking for his alpha, his legs heavy with his little bump belly.

In the kitchen, he found Phayu with a white tank top and short, his imposing figure illuminated by the light streaming through the windows, he was just gorgeous. Phayu turned from the stove, a small smile gracing his lips as he noticed Rain's coming down.

"Morning baby, come here my teddy bear" Phayu teased gently, his voice deep and warm with love.

Rain huffed playfully "Morning, or rather... afternoon" he replied with a sheepish grin standing across the counter.

Phayu approached him, his presence reassuring. "You looked so peaceful when you were sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you." he said, brushing a tender hand over Rain's shoulder.

"I must've been exhausted from the travel" Rain admitted, leaning into Phayu's touch. "How long have you been up?"

Phayu chuckled softly. "Not too long. I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast. Well, lunch now" he said with a wink and a peck on his lips.

The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making Rain's stomach rumble. "It smells amazing," Rain commented, feeling suddenly famished.

Phayu gestured towards the table, which was set with a spread of delicious-looking dishes. "I hope you like it, let's eat" he said warmly.

They settled at the table, Rain savoring each bite while stealing glances at Phayu, who seemed content watching him enjoy the meal.

"I've been thinking," Rain began, setting down his fork momentarily. "About the pup... and our life here. It's everything I never knew I wanted."

Phayu's eyes softened, his gaze holding Rain's earnestly. "I know my love. You need to feel connected with the pack and its warmth it will help you somehow with your pregnancy, I'm happy i took this decision early. And our pup will grow up surrounded by  love and nature."

Rain nodded, a wave of gratitude washing over him. "I never thought I could be this happy," he confessed, his voice quiet but filled with sincerity.

"I will make sure you're always happy for the rest of your life" phayu replies softly, rain couldn't help but feel very grateful for this man in his life.

After eating, bathing and feeling more awake. Phayu helped him get dressed impeccably, rain asking why is he wearing something this chic just to go for a walk. He just wanted to explore the surroundings, but phayu making them dressed as if they're going to a wedding.

"P'Phayuu, do i have to wear this?" Rain sulks tapping his feet like a kid and pouting, he just wants his big t-shirt and sweatpant.

"Heyy stay still, it's a surprise if you continue I'll leave you here and go by myself" phayu scolded him, making the omega stopped his naughtiness.

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