chapter 16 : Maybe a new start

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Rain stepped through the familiar threshold of his home, he felt a rush of emotions wash over him. Memories flooded his mind, both happy and painful, as he took in the familiar sights and sounds of the place he thought he would never see again. But amidst the pain, there was a sense of relief and comfort in being back home with his mother.

As he entered the living room, his eyes met his mother's teary gaze, and his heart clenched at the sight of her distress. Without a word, he rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight hug, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the familiar scent of her pheromones.

"Mom, I'm here. I'm fine and safe." Rain whispered holding her tight.

His mother's sobs shook her slender frame, her tears soaking into his shirt as she clung to him desperately.

"Oh, my poor baby," she cried, her voice trembling with emotion. "I thought... I thought I was going to lose you that day."

Rain held her tighter, his own eyes brimming with tears as he tried to comfort her.

"I'm okay, Mom," he assured her, his voice gentle but firm. "P'Phayu took care of me. He kept me safe, I'm fine now."

His mother pulled back slightly, her teary face searching his for any signs of injury or pain.

"Are you still hurt somewhere?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Rain shook his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips despite the tears in his eyes.

"No, Mom, I'm perfectly fine" he reassured her, his voice steady with conviction.

"P'Phayu made sure i recover completely. He's... he's amazing, Mom. He took care of me by himself." He added.

His mother's eyes softened at the mention of Phayu's name, a flicker of curiosity dancing in their depths.

"I see you really love him huh" she teases.

Rain nodded, a blush creeping into his cheeks as he thought of Phayu, of the love and warmth that radiated from him like the sun.

"Yes, Mom," he admitted. "He's... he's my alpha. My mate, How can I not love him when he's so good to me."

His mother's eyes widened she had never seen rain like this, her mouth forming a silent 'o' of understanding.

"I'm so happy for you my baby. But what about me? He is stealing you from me" she teases with a mixture of happiness and sadness.

Rain's heart clenched at the pain in his mother's voice, the guilt of leaving her alone weighing heavily upon him.

"I'm so sorry Mom, i just can't be apart from him my heart hurts" he said softly.

His mother reached out to cup his cheek, her touch warm and comforting against his skin.

"I understand you Rain, And I want you to be happy, if you want you can go and stay with him you'll be safer there. But...promise me baby you'll be careful. That you'll take care of yourself and Phayu too, you won't cause any trouble. And that you'll come back to me anytime okay." She says all emotional.

Rain nodded, his eyes shining with tears as he answers to his mother.

"I promise Mom, thank you so much for allowing me to stay with him" he sobs.

"I love you my son, i only want you to be happy" Niran says hugging her son.

"I love you too mom" rain replies "Are you going to stay alone here" he asks.

"Actually I'm thinking of going back to the pack and live a free life i want to take care of the young omegas maybe open a new center, I'll be happy there. I won't leave you alone remember I'm just one thought ahead use your telepathic to talk to me anytime okay baby" rain nodded sobbing more.

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