chapter 23 : Rain's heat

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Rain laying down onto the soft mattress feeling his body on fire, he has never experienced such a strong heat before. In the past since he was on strong suppressant his heat was not that painful maybe one or two days, he nested with his mom's clothes or sometimes masturbate and that was it, but right now it's almost as if phayu don't knot him he'll die.

"Baby are you okay" phayu asks, seeing rain like this is breaking his heart. It seems like this is not just a regular heat.

"Phi" rain whimpers, his eyes shut, his body trembling.

Phayu sees the way he is sweating, his whole body seems on fire, his scent so intoxicating, he can barely think straight. Rain is already so hard, he can see slick starting to drip from his hole.

"Fuck babe your scent is driving me crazy" phayu groaned, getting on top of him, he caressed his face with his finger, trailing his jawline down to his collarbone his hand eventually found their way to rain's cock as he squeezed it hearing a soft moan from rain.

"You're much more sensitive than usual" phayu whispers behind his ear biting his earlobe. Rain flinched.

"Fuck me, please P'phayu i can't stand it anymore." Rain whines.

Phayu growled in his throat looking down at how rain is wrecked just for him. He can see the pulse on his neck beating so fast, his plump pink lips so tempting he can't resist no more, crashing their lips together sucking every corner of his omega mouth, rain moans into the kiss wrapping his arms around Phayu's neck, returning the kiss hungrily as if there's no tomorrow.

Phayu bites his lower lips which makes the boy to open his mouth, he pushed his tongue deep inside rain's mouth licking and sucking. The taste of rain will always be overwhelming, they suck at each other lips with their tongues twisting in sync.

Rain's skin was burning up, phayu hand caressing his chest down to grab his painful erecting cock, rain feels like each touch sending electroshock to his body. Phayu didn't break the kiss but deepen it more until they can't breath anymore with his hand working on rain's cock.

"Mmmm" rain moans through the kiss, Phayu keep sucking and nipping at his lower lip, Rain moves his hips up and down trying to fuck into phayu's hand. He's so desperate for more friction, Phayu slowly pulled back, both gasped for air, panting.

"More, i need more" Rain groans trying to thrust up and down into phayu's hand. Tears started to build up, he feels like this is torture, all he wants is to be fucked hard, to be knotted and filled up with cums.

Phayu looks at him with dark eyes then kiss him down to his throat, sucking his neck just around his pulse, leaving a big red mark onto his skin. He licks around his adam apple down to his collarbone, until his hot mouth found rain's nipple.

"Ahhhh" Rain whines, he grips Phayu's hair as the alpha sucks on his nipple. Phayu hot mouth nipping around, biting and sucking hard both nipples, rain can feel himself already cumming just from that, he thrust more into phayu hand, without knowing it he shot his first cums.

"Aaahhh" he moaned loud, his body vibrates. Phayu stopped for a moment, he couldn't believe rain just came with him sucking his nipples and the handy.

"Fuck you're so needy" phayu growls pulling back, he quickly went to grab some tissues to clean up his hand.

"I can't....hic...I can't take it anymore please put it inside me" rain sobs, he doesn't even know why he's crying, maybe from the incomplete pleasure.

Phayu didn't respond he just spreads rain's legs apart, seeing the slick that was dripping down already, his mind went blank, he never knew he needed this incredible view of rain.

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