chapter 12 : rain's kidnapping

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Under the cover of darkness, Master Stop, his alpha soldiers and allies Som and Pak, crept through the quiet streets towards Rain's house. The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the landscape as they moved in silence towards their target.

Stop's jaw clenched with determination as they approached the house where Rain lived with his mother. He knew that the success of their mission depended on their ability to act quickly and decisively, without attracting any unwanted attention.

"This is it, We need to move fast" Stop muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible over the rustling of the leaves in the night breeze.

Som nodded in agreement, his expression grim as he scanned the area for any signs of movement.

"We'll need to be careful, We don't want to alert anyone to our presence." he cautioned.

Stop's gaze hardened as he approached the front door of the house, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger. With a swift motion, he reached out and knocked on the door, as they waited for a response.

Inside the house, Rain stirred restlessly in his sleep, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, that danger lurked just beyond the safety of his walls.

As the sound of knocking echoed through the quiet house, Rain's eyes snapped open, his senses on high alert as he listened for any signs of trouble. His heart pounded in his chest as he slipped quietly out of bed, his movements careful and deliberate as he made his way towards the front door.

With bated breath, Rain peered through the peephole, his heart sinking as he caught sight of almost five people standing on the doorstep, their expressions grim and even though rain has not seen a lot of hybrid, he could feel they're not human plus the strong pheromones making him uneasy. Panic surged through Rain's veins as he realized the gravity of the situation.

~ they were here for him ~

Before Rain could react, the door creaked open, revealing Stop and Som standing on the threshold, their faces set.

"Long time no see Noeul or i must say Rain" Stop began, his voice low and menacing.

Rain's heart raced in his chest as he faced off against his would-be captors, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he demanded, his voice trembling with anger and defiance.

Stop's gaze hardened as he stepped forward, his eyes burning with intensity.

"We're here to take you with us," he replied firmly. "You have something that belongs to us, and we intend to reclaim it."

Rain's heart sank as he realized the true nature of Stop's intentions. He knew that he was no match for the powerful alpha standing in front of him, and that fighting back right now would only put his mother in danger.

"What if i don't want to" he tried to resist at least

"You'll be responsible for the chaos we're going to make here starting with your mom just there and like back in your pack, do you want it?" Stop replies with a grin.

Rain's heart stopped dead in his chest as he caught sight of a figure standing in the shadows. It was his mother, she also heard the noise and came out.

"Mom!" Rain gasped, his voice choked with emotion as he rushed towards her, his eyes wide with fear.

His mother's eyes filled with tears as well, as she reached out to embrace him, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

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