chapter 30: Mood Swings

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Rain slowly stirred awake, he found himself alone in their bed, a familiar sense of emptiness washing over him. Confusion clouded his mind for a moment as he glanced around the room, searching for any sign of his alpha. The realization slowly dawned on him that Phayu might have already left for work, but a nagging feeling of loneliness lingered.

Feeling a rush of mixed emotions, he sat there in silence, his thoughts swirling with the weight of his hormonal fluctuations. Tears welled up in his eyes unexpectedly, his heart feeling heavy with an unexplainable sense of sadness. Blaming it on his hormones, Rain couldn't help but let the tears flow freely down his cheeks and don't even know why he's crying.

Downstairs, Phayu had been busy preparing breakfast when he heard the sound of Rain's soft cries echoing from their bedroom, the house was very quiet this morning and he left the bedroom door slightly open so he could hear the sobs from far. Concern flashed across phayu's face as he hastily put down the glass of milk he had been pouring and rushed upstairs.

Entering the room, Phayu's heart clenched at the sight of Rain's tear streaked face. Panic flickered in his eyes as he hurried to Rain's side, kneeling down beside the bed.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Phayu asked, his voice laced with worry.

Rain sniffled, trying to compose himself as he looked up at Phayu with tears filled eyes. "You... you left me alone" he managed to choke out between sobs, his voice trembling with emotions.

Phayu's expression softened as he realized the cause of Rain's distress. He couldn't help but chuckle softly at his adorable pout, his heart swelling with love for his omega.

"Oh, my sweetheart" Phayu murmured, reaching out to gently wipe away Rain's tears. "I'm sorry, love. I was just downstairs making breakfast. I would never leave you alone on purpose."

Rain sniffled again, feeling a wave of relief wash over him at Phayu's reassuring words as he hugs him tight.

"I'm sorry, i just thought you already left for work" he whispered, feeling a bit embarrassed for letting his emotions get the worse of him.

Phayu wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "I'll not leave without telling you baby, i know you need me the most right now" he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to Rain's forehead. "I'm here now, stop crying baby."

Feeling the warmth and security of Phayu's embrace, Rain let out a shaky sigh, his tears slowly subsiding.

"Are you hungry?" Phayu asked softly, rain shook his head. He really doesn't want to eat anything.

"But you have to eat and be healthy for this tiny baby growing in here." Phayu said pointing at his belly.

"No, no food" rain answered pouting and turning his face away. Phayu chuckled again, why is he so cute this early.

"Okay what about milk?" Phayu proposed.

"Eurrrkkk" rain just made a sound of throwing that said no, it's disgusting.

"Don't be stubborn baby" phayu said

"I'm not stubborn" Rain replied "You...don't to eat, i don't... want to" he added tapping his chest while crying again.

"Okay okay fine don't cry, can you at least drink just a little?" Phayu said, his face worried, he fears that if he doesn't eat he'll be so weak. Rain can see how his alpha's face is full of care and accepted at least to drink that milk.

Phayu gave rain his milk and some fruits an then took him to the bathroom for a warm bath, taking him out of the bath he was drying his hair so gently and smoothly with so much love and care while rain was sitting in his bathrobe enjoying the care of his alpha.

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