chapter 7 : Turn of event

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The aftermath of Phayu's unexpected rut lingered in the office air like an unspoken secret dragging rain to unleash his inner wolf being all submissive by his omega side.

Awakening to the reality of their entangled destinies, Rain and Phayu faced the consequences of a night that had transformed the dynamics between them.

Phayu woke up in the middle of the night Rain was sleeping fondly. He brush off his hair, looking at his beautiful face, rain doesn't look like any normal boy in his 20s not to mention his body shape...

"Who are you rain" he whispers.

Omega males are very rare, when they're born it's a symbol of power, wealth, dominance, and success for his pack but mostly for his mate. They are a ball of sunshine for anyone next to them.

When a true alpha male dominant has a rare mystical omega male as their mate, they become more powerful and invincible.

In phayu's pack rain was the only omega male after 30 generations. phayu's dad, leader at that time with rain's parents permission chose to not register him so he can be protected, because if other pack got to know that an omega male was born they can do anything to have him.

No one knows about rain being an omega male except his parents, phayu's parents and the doctor where he was born, will she accept to go back in her pack with rain knowing their life is in danger there?.

Phayu looks at the boy next to him, he has never felt this way, this feeling is the same when he met his omega years ago questioning himself if he's dreaming or all this is true. He went to the bathroom at his surprise he is still in his half wolf form, his fangs still hanging, his wolf ears and his body double the size...

"What the fuck, why i didn't go back to my human form" he says...

Phayu tried to calm himself maybe his rut will trigger again that's why. After hours, he is still in the same form and rain is not waking up, he panicked and called Pai.

"You need to come Pai now please" he says as soon as his friend picked up the phone.

Pai can feel the distress in phayu's voice, he didn't waste any time literally came in a flash.

"Why are you like this and who's this boy" Pai says coming inside phayu's room almost out of breath.

"It's rain, i had sex with him yesterday during my rut, i marked him and knotted him, he was okay with that i know i shouldn't have done it, but i couldn't resist, i was so attracted to him like wanting to mark him and i did, i was feeling like it's Noeul, he's not waking up since yesterday and i still look like this, what is going on Pai, fuck this was a very bad idea fuckk, what did i do" phayu talking non stop going left and right brushing his hair roughly...

"First calm down, i don't understand anything" Pai came next to him holding his hands

"Fuck" Pai removes his hands as soon he touched phayu..

"What?" Phayu asks...

"You're burning up phayu, you're not okay, your eyes are turning red, you need to go back to the pack now" Pai says loudly

"But rain"

"I'll take care of him, you should go before you transform completely into your wolf and why do you look bigger than usual fuck man this rain boy is definitely not a normal human. Now go" Pai pushes him out

He wears a big hoodies, glasses and hat to hide while driving going back to their pack. As soon he arrives he was out of breath then he fainted...

"Master Sermsong, hey come help me. We need to bring him inside" Saifa one of the alpha soldier said.

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