chapter 36: Bittersweet

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Days passed, and Rain found himself settling into a rhythm of life within the pack that felt more comfortable and fulfilling than anything he had ever experienced. The lush surroundings and the warmth of the pack provide a sense of belonging that he had longed for without realizing it. The constant hum of activity, the shared meals, and the collective strength of the pack gave him peace.

Phayu, even being the leader work expertly balancing his many roles. He would often leave to attend his duties as the CEO of his company but never stayed away for more than two days at a time. Despite the demands of his various responsibilities, Phayu always prioritized his role as alpha, ensuring his omega felt safe, loved, and supported.

One particularly beautiful morning, Rain was lounging in their cozy living room, a book in hand, when Phayu returned from a brief trip to the city. As soon as Rain heard the familiar sound of the car pulling into the driveway, he felt a flutter of excitement.

Phayu entered the house, his presence filling the space with warmth. "I'm home," he called out, his deep voice resonating through the rooms.

Rain set his book aside and stood up, his face lighting up with a smile. "P'Phayuu" he said, moving to hug Phayu. "How was your trip?" He added

Phayu wrapped his arms around Rain, holding him close but his arms can barely hold his waist, their little miracle is growing fast. "It was good" he replied, planting a gentle kiss on Rain's forehead. "But I missed you both," he added, his hand resting on Rain's growing belly.

Rain chuckled softly, leaning into Phayu's touch. "We missed you too, so much" he said, feeling a deep sense of contentment.

Phayu guided Rain to the couch, where they sat together, savoring the moment of reunion. "How have you been feeling since yesterday?" Phayu asked, his eyes filled with concern and love, he asks this question everyday making sure rain and the pup are doing perfectly fine.

"I'm doing fine" Rain replied, his smile reassuring. "Uncle arthit checked up on me and the pup yesterday. Everything's perfect. He says we're both healthy." He added

Phayu's expression softened with relief, last week rain has some discomfort, back pain and headache but it's just normal for his state to feel all of these symptoms. "That's great to hear," he said, his hand gently caressing Rain's stomach. "I worry about you when I'm not here."

Rain placed his hand over Phayu's, their fingers interlacing. "I know," he said softly. "But I'm doing really well, P'Phayu. This place... this life with you... it makes me happier than I ever thought possible."

Phayu's eyes glimmered. "I'm glad," he murmured. "You deserve all the happiness in the world my love."

Over the following weeks, their routine settled into a comfortable pattern. Rain enjoyed the tranquil days spent within the pack's territory, surrounded by nature and the supportive presence of the other wolves. Phayu continued to juggle his responsibilities, always making sure to return to Rain as quickly as possible.

One afternoon, Rain was in the kitchen preparing a light snack for him, he was feeling hungry and couldn't wait for the full meal when his uncle and Niran his mom arrived for a scheduled checkup.

"Good afternoon Rain," Arthit greeted with a warm smile, making rain turns in surprise, he didn't hear them coming. "Ready for today's checkup?" He added

Rain nodded. "Yes uncle, hi mom, come inside I'm just grabbing some snacks. I'm feeling good just tired, but it's always nice to have your reassurance."

"Hi my love, come here with me" Niran said. She's in care for her precious son.

They moved to the living room, where Rain settled onto the couch. Arthit began his examination with practiced efficiency, his demeanor calm and reassuring.

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