chapter 9: The talk

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As the echoes of the night lingered, a palpable tension hung between them facing eachother in the awkward silence. The shared vulnerability of their intimate connection left both Rain and Phayu grappling with the aftermath.

The complexities of their intertwined destinies, now laid bare, demanded a delicate navigation through the evolving dynamics of their relationship.

In the quiet stillness of the room, Rain couldn't escape the burning question that consumed him.

"Why was he treated like that?"

The revelation of being fated mates with Phayu had opened a floodgate of emotions, but instead of bringing them closer, the past six months had been filled with Phayu's hostility. Tonight, Rain was determined to confront him, to unravel the mystery behind his cold treatment.

As they entered his bedroom, Rain was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. The room felt heavy with unspoken tension, he barely registered what his mom said, the only thing in his mind was to know phayu true feelings, fated mates or not he loved him already but couldn't just accept him open arms because they're mate.

Rain took a deep breath, gathering the courage to address the elephant in front of him. The room was cloaked in an uncomfortable silence as Rain stood there, his eyes fixed on Phayu with a mixture of love, hurt and frustration in his gaze wondering how should he adress the tumultuous question.

"I need to understand. Why have you treated me so badly for the past months?" Rain's voice was steady, but his eyes betrayed the turmoil within.

Phayu shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact for a moment before finally meeting his gaze. His expression wavered between regret and the weight of unspoken truth.

"Rain, it's complicated. I never intended for things to be this way." His voice carried a mix of pain and sadness

Rain's frustration grew he wants to know why, and he took a step closer.

"Complicated? That doesn't explain the constant hostility, the coldness, you playing with my feelings, i don't care about what mom just said now, I'll deal with it later, right now i need to know the reason and your real feelings toward me." Rain's said firmly

Phayu sighed, the weight of guilt apparent in his eyes.

"Rain, after seeing you for the first time, everything changed. I never planned to treat you badly. It's just... I couldn't shake off the thought about Noeul, my true mate."

Rain's brow furrowed in confusion and hurt etched on his face.

"Noeul? So you remembered the younger me but couldn't feel I was just in front of you. I knew my attraction for you wasn't a simple crush so worked really hard just to be able to be next to you, to get to know you, but you didn't even give me a chance to open up more" his voice almost cracked at the end of the sentence, tears building up.

Phayu hesitated, struggling to find the right words.

"Before that night, I really had feelings for you. I wanted to get to know you more, spend time with you but i just couldn't. I tried my best rain, and when we shared that night together during my rut, it stirred up conflicting emotions when i woke up then this whole situation revealing our true identities happened."

Phayu paused for a moment trying to control his emotions.

"I didn't plan to treat you badly Rain, believe me I'm really really sorry. It's just that I'm realising it right now how awful i was, and back then I couldn't let go of the thought about losing Noeul i mean you my mate. You probably don't remember me or what i told you when we were kids you were too young but i remember everything, i made a promise to you, to grow together and be together i never loved anyone else, losing you and my whole family that day ruined my life at least i had faith that you're somewhere and i needed to find you no matter how long it takes even if i had to die alone."

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