part 2

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So we have decided some location's for our new mall's in deagu. Namjoon turned off the projector and looked towards JK and waited for his reaction or any objection but deep inside he knew jungkook would never object to his father-in-law choice. So he exclaimed sat down on chair beside jungkook.

"so everything is Settled up in deagu, you just have to signed on the paper's sir' namjoon said and show agreement to jungkook who sign without any delay. Shocking namjoon who never expected this from him. Mr kim smirk proudly which is didn't notice by anyone in room.

Okay sir I'll get going to make everything and our team ready for work.! Namjoon said standing up along with yoongi and left.

After both namjoon and yoongi left the room went silent but mr kim clear his voice before speaking.

Jungkook I'm going back to deagu. And leaving everything on your shoulder.! Mr kim said because he is lived in deagu with his wife he have a reason to live there.

Why dad you just came in morning.!  Jungkook said and stood up as well.

You are mom will be missing me if I stayed so I'm going.!  Mr kim said thinking about his wife. And again spoke.


Yes dad..

It has been a year. my son got married to you jungkook.  You guys never came to meet us.  his mother was missing him. So I'm going to throw a party to introduce you to some of my relatives who didn't  attend your wedding. Mr kim said and jungkook smile widely thinking about his husband.

I hope you will come with my tae.! Jungkook nodded lost in his thoughts but mr kim brought him back from his Dream.

The party place will be my mansion come on time this party is for you both. Is that clear.!  Mr kim smile and about to leave but jungkook spoke.

We will surely come dad.!  Jungkook said walking towards him.

Thank you son.!  Mr Kim pat his shoulder and left.

Now he left alone in his office and sigh and loose his tie and went to his large window to enjoy city view. He took his Cigarette out lit it and started to smoking slowly. Then put his free hand on large glass window, he close his eyes and took long puff exhaled the smoke.  but when he heard phone ringing, he opened his eyes at the speed of light. He checked his pocket and he realized that it was not his phone. but there is someone's else phone in the room.

Who idiots forgot his phone.!  Jungkook said  pissed off from his worker's irresponsible behavior.

But phone kept ringing and he curshed and close his eyes tightly controlling his anger.

Jungkook pov...

Hi guys I'm jeon jungkook and 25 year old. I'm  a real king of Korea by name and my status.. But I only care about two precious things in my life. And firstly my beautiful wife and second my mafia world. I took over my grandfather place when I was 18, i was always attracted to his power and his attitude so I told to myself one day I would be like him. Let me tell you a secret, my secret. i have a weakness towards beautiful thing, if I put in simple language I'm pretty obsessed with beautiful people's. but now towards one. i was playboy in college but now in love with someone who is my wifey, there is no one born other than my doll wife who can capture my heart .. He will be in his favorite place at this moment.  Jungkook was smiling thinking about his beautiful wife but he heard phone again.

Who the hell wants his death wish.! Jungkook angrily marched towards table and pick up call and was going shout at him but heard someone angelic honey dripping voice

Hello yoon why wasn't you picking up my call. Are you okay? Did i disturb you. Please tell me. The person said worriedly but in soft tone.

In deagu..

After finishing all the household work , jimin went to his room and started to cleaning his wardrobe and his eyes fell on his wedding photos and he picks them up slowly before speaking.

I know you love me yoon, but don't know how to show it ..i  remember our wedding day you said you will give me full love and respect but you want some time. How much time do you want, 2 more years gone and y.. Jimin's tears fell on his wedding photo's but he immediately wiped them away and smile..

But I will love you till my last breath, no matter what. I will wait no matter how long you make me wait...

I miss you.. He gently ran his fingers over yoongi's face in pictures

AND I LOVE YOU MIN YOONGI. He was laughing while laying on his bed holding a picture close to his chest.

He didn't know that his mother-in- law was watching his every move with tearful eyes and went away.

You deserve a world my angel.!

Let's call your handsome hubby minnie.!  Jimin sat up on bed and picked up his phone from nightstand and happily dialed his husband's number.  but he started pouting when he didn't take his call..

Let's try again... He called him again, like this 4 or 5 time, but no one answered.

Is he busy or he deliberately not picking up my phone.! He about to hang up the phone sadly, but his husband pickes the phone. So he attacked him with lot of questions.

In jungkook side

Hello yoon are you okay why wasn't you picking up my call. Did i disturb you. Tell me please.! Jungkook looked at screen that showed minnie but he was smriking.

What a sweet sounds like a stream melodies like an angel. His voice can make anyone crazy about him. And yoon who the hell he is.. Jungkook train of  thoughts cut off by jimin who asked again in low voice

Why aren't you talking. Is your boss is there with you huh.!  Jungkook smirk and ran his free hand through his hair and said.

Yes sweetheart I'm here.. But only I'm here, not your yoon.! Jungkook said in deep flirtatious  tone. Jimin gasped in surprise and checked his phone.

Oh my, who is this ..  Jimin felt strange feeling in his heart at the sound of unknown person's voice.

But I call yoon my husband.!  Jungkook laughed darkly on jimin cuteness.

I'm your husband's boss. jeon jungkook.! Jungkook sat on the chair with his legs folded. Hearing jungkook's name, the phone almost about fell out from his hand if he hadn't held it tightly

Oh my god he is yoons boss. He is the one i saw on TV in morring...what to do now.. Will i ask for yoon.

Oh sorry can you give him the phone.! Jimin said pleadingly walking towards his small window.

Why him. why not me.


I said talk to me. I'm bored.!  Jungkook stood up sat at the table facing window.

I don't know you.! Jimin nervously picked up his small flower pot carresed his little flower pot that was  placed on the windowsill.

So let's know each other.! Jungkook said in deep voice almost a whisper.

H-how c-can i, you are my husband's boss. Jimin was just talking to him but he thought he would betray yoongi.if he talked to any other man beside him.

"you can babe.!  Jungkook smirk

"These sweetness in his voice hold such a power that make jeon jungkook yearn for him.

I'm sorry but I can't.!  Jungkook lost it he has his fist clenched and was about  to shout at jimin. But someone called him.


End of part two 💜💜

I purple you 💜💜

the destined love (Jikook) (Taegi) Where stories live. Discover now