part 42

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"you know my love...i think our baby will be a boy...thats why i always call him my champ...jungkook smile when jimin look up at him with cute pout..he wanted to divert jimin's mind from this matter and he succeeded...jungkook knows that his wife jiminie is very emotional and sensitive person and gets overly upset about one thing so used this trick..

"How can you be so sure...this is my baby and i know that she will be a girl my princess...jimin said smiling with his puffy eyes and cute red nose..and a pout Adoring his small face...jungkook make a thinking face then kissed Jimin's pout away make him Giggle like a child ...

Jungkook leaned down towared close to jimin lips...whose giggle died seeing jungkook wanted to kiss him so gladly closed his eyes..

"If i say i want twins, both a boy and a champ will come and your princess will come too..jungkook lips were Perfectly touching jimins when he said all this..and jimin had closed his eyes and made a fists with his hands on his chest..

Jungkook almost going take his lips in his when the door open with crack sound and he pull away from jimin and saw the doctor coming in with some files in his hands...

"how are you feeling mr's said smiling at jimin who was hidden in his husband's arm feeling some of tired....then he make eye contact with jungkook and started to cough because of jungkook death glare..who was angry on him for distubing his moment...

"He is fixed his coat while rubbing his chest to stop coughing which turned his face into red tomato as if something gave him allergy reaction..

"I am sorry to disturb you mr jeon...but i need to give you discharge papers and In this i have written everything...about his nutrition, his medication like which medicine to take when...what things he have to avoid...and lastly date of his first checkup..he slowly hand the files to jungkook who took with his other hand because jimin was still in his bow to jungkook and went away saying you are free to go...

"Lets go home my cutie pie.. He stood up with jimin in his arms bridal style who was nodded his head Snuggling in his chest for take some nape...




"I am happy for my minni so so happy, He got rid of you..who never give him anything without waiting,always kept giving him excuses that I am busy with this, busy with that...she looked at the both with her disappointed and angry eyes..both sitting in front of her with thier guilty face...guilty for lieing about jimin to her...who loves him more than his own son..she had accepted him as her son the day he came to this house after getting married so she knows him better than anyone else... She shook her head wiping her tears ...every week his shining sweet eyes kept looking at the door only, when will husband come and love him..or wants to share some sweet words with you...but to his disappointment he only got one thing your cold shoulder.. Yoongi was about to say something and stooped by her who raise her hand in air to shut him up...

"I am not angry that you both got married..I'm just sad that you never tried to know him...never tried to understand his love...what did you think, i dont know what you said to him on the wedding night..I heard everything...yoongi lowerd his eyes in shame not be able look in his moms eyes because he knows her every words is true...he did hurt jimin and he is felt a pang in his heart seeing his innocent eyes...and i left it thinking that you are doing this because of your sudden marrige but no, you kept drowning in the pond of your old love..and kept hurting my minni he was tired of waiting for god had to send someone better than you for him...its does not feel good saying this but jungkook will definitely be better than you whom my Minni has choosen...she looked at thier pale faces then went and sat beside taeyung putting her loving hand on his head and smiled..may you both be very happy and have lovely all blessing are with you both and I'm not upset or angry..but i have a one wish...I want to meet jungkook...who saw love inside my minnis heart and decied to love him a lot...taeyung smile at her in relief because he doesnot want to start a new life with her haterd but she is lovely lady had already except him happily...

"Sure mom w...she glared at him making his words stop at mid way he gulp and looked away shifting his eyes at garden of outside..

"I am not talking to you min yoongi ...she said coldly then gave taeyung a gentle kiss on his forhead and stood up...

"you are so beautiful taeyung...and I am happy to have you as my son-In-law...she took taeyung hand and went to kitchen leaving a sulking yoongi behind...

"I think i should call namjoon for jungkook address..yoongi said taking his phone out from his pocket and called namjoon placing it on his ear..



It's been an hour jimin and jungkook came home and they are lying in the bed hugging each other...jimin was lying on top of jungkook and jungkook is kissing his head lovingly over and over again..

"Are you sleeping my doll? Jungkook said wrapping his arms around him more tightly not so tighlty just to be sure he is warm...and pull him more in his embrace..

"No yet but i am sleepy...jimin looked up at jungkook with small smile who change thier position taking jimin beneath him...

Jungkook can see the sadness in his eyes because his mind still stuck at the doctor words which he heard accidentally..he want to be happy yet how can he deny the fact about his weak womb...his mind is kept thinking about that his prengnancy itself will be a danger to his child...and the doctor says that with medication he can give a birth to healty child..but his mind just getting disturbed...his disturbing thoughts and restless felling cut of by a pair of thin lips that belong to his husband..

He kissed back to get rid of from his  headache and stomach pain..

"please god send him to this world safely..jimin said in his mind clunching on jungkooks biceps...who was busy in kissing him. Then suddenly he broke the kiss and.

"Cutie, there is someone coming to meet you....


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