part 60

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After yoongi yelled at taeyung, taeyung didn't say a single word to him. Because he knows he was at fault and yoongi knows what he was at fault, taeyung felt guilty for not telling him, something related to their lives he doesn't know how to felt about his prengnansy he should be happy about it right because he wanted this from the first day of marriage with jungkook who always chooses to deny it and use protection, jungkook always ran away from the idea of a baby...but here with jimin all the dynamics have changed..jimin got pregnant with jungkook's baby and jungkook accepted it with open arms and pampered jimin a lot by keeping him on his head. Taeyung wants this he wants yoongi to pamper him the same way but how can yoongi pamper him if didn't tell him about his prengnansy and is still hoping yoongi to understand his feelings..

Yoongi looked at taeyung face, looking lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice yoongi have placed him on bed and drying his hair with towal...yoongi didn't know taeyung was comparing him with jungkook and himself with jimin where he knows yoongi is best for him.. Still he always choose to get in the useless talks of father...he get manipulated easily by his father and Mr kim didn't taeyung has so many positive people around him and they will never let him go on wrong track... Taeyung is just small innocent bean think jungkook did wrong with his fake father and him.. So he just let his blood boil for sometime... And choose to hurt jimin who have nothing to do with this... Taeyung sniff softly and decided to clear things up with yoongi...

"Yoongi i am sorry.. A..bout ..yoongi smile and cupped his face softly and kiss his forehead.. He have so many things to confront to taeyung still his heart always melt at the sight of his cute face..

But today its not going to happen he wants taeyung explanation that why he didn't told him..

"Your sorry won't work today.. Taeyung looked at him shocked as yoongi took a seat in front of him on the bed..

He doesn't even look at his face thinking he would definitely melt and forgive him but not anymore..

"Listen to me first..

"I'm listening...

Taeyung took a deep breath so much hurt from Yoongi's cold voice..

"Acutlly since last night i am not feeling well and vomited twice. So my first doubt went to prengnansy ..if am i prengnet or not.. So I decided to check and i did the test in morring and waited for that damn thing that would tell something about my doubt.. But nothing came so in anger i throw it away in trashbin thinking i might be wrong so I left to do breakfast.. Taeyung stop seeing no reaction on Yoongi's face who stood up... And gave taeyung a look making him lowered his eyes on his lap he felt his presence near bed and look up to find him looking at him...

"Say something.. Please.. Yoongi nodded simply and ran a hand through his hair and massaged his head which is aching because of taeyung.. It's not that he doesn't trust taeyung but this time he needs to make him realize that things dont always go his way ...he always has the answer to every question yoongi has...somewhere yoongi felt that taeyung was telling the truth so what about the morring incident...yoongi had seen a different taeyung insulting jimin for what reason just to satisfy his ego...he doesn't know why taeyung always get irritated whenever he talk about jimin or he sees jimin, only god knows what problem taeyung has with him that regardless of his own health issues most importantly his prengnansy test ..he went to insult a pure angel.. it would be an understatement if he wasn't angry when found that pregnancy test in trash.. Still his heart stopped him to lashed out on him thinking how sensitive he got whenever someone shout on him..

Yoongi turned around to go out of room to think about what taeyung did and why that person encourage him..

"Where are you going.. Please stay.. Yoongi didn't turned nor he react on his crack voice..

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