part 61

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"B.. best friend.. Taeyung looked at jimin wiping his tears softly, jimin first giggle on his clueless face then clear his throat, he took tae's hand pulled him to sit on the bed.. Jimin sat next to him and put his leg on other leg .. He smile softly at taeyung which threw him on edge of guilt that he hurt a pure soul like jimin.. He was cursing the one who manipulate him saying bad things about jimin otherwise he would have never hurt jimin with his harsh words..

"I tell you why.. Jimin tucked his hair behind his ear's and tae's eyes fell on the red hickeys below his ear and he knows jungkook had addiction of giving hickeys behind ear .. He could see the art on jimin shoulders and collarbone and he thought that they must have made love.

Jimin looked up before urgesting his drees on his thighs oblivious thing were hiding the sign of jungkook's love bites on his inner thighs.. But taeyung got confused at himself that why he didn't felt jealous to see Jimin happy when he insulted him that morning because he looked happy ..that he just got into her talks as she called his husband looser and that anger he took out on jimin..

Jimin placed his hand on taeyung which was on his lap and gave him beautiful crescent eyes smile...

Taeyung smile at him not forcefully but genuinely and squeezed his hands in his both hands..

"Speak up jimin." taeyung show his boxy smile with the hint of sadness in it..taeyung sense that jimin wants to share something with him maybe about his horrible incident.. He is just guessing looking at Jimin's sad face and so thought to encourage him to spoke his past memories..

"Sure tae tae."

"I also want a friend. because I never had any friends i don't know why, guys would approach me with only two motives, first half of college boy want me become their boyfriends or to spend a night with me, i didn't know they think so low of me as if I am some kind of slut to satisfy their needs.these kind of things always seem disgusting to me. No one would ever approach me with pure intentions of becoming my freind, they would says lets be freinds with benefits like eww they were bunch of lustful guys who lusted after my body.. Only for this whole girls of college hated me...and had spread the rumours that i will stole their boyfriends and worse than that black magician's .. A witch.. Jimin laughed cutely completely unbothered from his past life at college but tae felt really bad for him.. Who is not wanted to make an friend like jimin a fulf ball.. I wouldn't go to their boyfriends to tell them to leave their girlfriends but still they could came after me because of this complexion, this fairy like glow in my body...still everyone would have blamed me for the thing i didn't do.. my college life was so living hell for me, still i completed my gradution. After graduation i was excited for an internship training but my stepmom had other plans ...and on the day of gradution I came to know she had already arranged my i forget about my dream..if you guess over all my life was hell before marriage, in marrige i craved for husband love because yoon make everything clear that there will be respect in this relationship, but not love.. And neither did i complain about anything because I got a loving mother and i was very happy in my own little world. Until jungkook stepped on my doorstep with his beautiful existence and I felt like I found something that was lost for decades and that was the love jungkook gave me he made me realize that someone can love my soul to apart from this body jungkook loves both my soul and body more than his life ...jimin giggle shyly making taeyung smiles on innocent behaviour.. Taeyung know that jungkook change for jimin and for good he was not that jungkook who only loved his works more than anything but now jimin is his first priority in everything..

"And his playfulness turned into pure love for you... Right.. Taeyung teaes jimin who nodded shyly and hide his face with his small hands.. "jungkook really love you so much..jimin looked away feeling so much shy listening about the love jungkook have for him.. Even though jungkook didn't leave single chance to show his love to him.. And want nothing more than jungkook's love..

"And i also love him so much.. He is my everything.. I don't know how got so lucky to have him.. Jimin said playing with his fingers, and he sense taeyung's soft eyes on him, he is happy that he got succeed in changing taeyung scenario for him..

"I am sorry once again jimin.. Jimin jump on the bed and embrace tae who laughs at his playfull behaviour..jimin's nature is not such that he keeps any grudges for someone in his heart.. His heart doesn't have space for hate where can only love bloom for everyone.. Taeyung smlied because now he understood why jungkook says that his heart is a purest and sweetest who only knows how to spread love, jimin is such a fragrance that makes everyone's life fragrant...taeyung heart was heavy with sadness and regrets he said lot of things to jimin in anger and jimin is here standing in front of him..he has come to join his happiness.. And forgive him.. And hugging him like a loving best friend.. He will surely become his friend.. A perfect freind and will never hurt him..

Jimin pulled back from hug and asked him again..

"Do you want to be my friend now? Because I already considered you my friend that is why I told you my past... Taeyung laughed whole heartily on cute pout on chubby face.. And smile...

"alright then we are a besti..

"No one is becoming anyone's friend here" jimin and looked at the door only to jungkook's well define body was leaning against the door, he croosed his arms and raise his brows at jimin, as if asking something through his eyes, jimin shook his head at his cold voice and face he knows jungkook angry with him.. But can't he forget everything and starts from the beginning with love.. And including everyone in the family.. He was about to say something but jungkook beat his words..

"Lets go jimin, you have to take your medicine.. It's not that late for your noons medicine.. Jimin pout, jungkook didn't even spare taeyung a glance who smile sadly, he deserves it, because he wasn't someone anymore whom jungkook cherish the most.. There was a time where jungkook loved him the most.. As per as on gods will table has turned now, jungkook was not his anymore.. He looked at jimin who was whinnig to jungkook to let him talk to taeyung.. Still jungkook didn't listen to him..

"When I say you have to go then you have to go.. Jungkook picked jimin up bridal style who pout in defeated and taeyung remain seated on the bed.. He also have someone who loves him dearly.. And he angry that person with his stupid mistake .. His eyes becomes glossy as he forget about yoongi who left the room in anger he need to talk to him.. He have apologized to him too..

"Bye bye... Tae tae" jimin bid his goodbye to taeyung waving his hand looking so cute with his beautiful smile..

He heard the fading footsteps of jungkook and soon his room got silent he sat there for sometimes thinking about his future.. His beautiful wish is granted by god and now he wants to celebrate this moment with his husband...or he could say first have to convinced his sleepy head min yoongi..

He got up from the bed and was about to go when his phone rang showing the name he despises the most and her name slip from his mouth..

"Park diana"

To be continued..

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