part 29

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Yoongi jump out from his car and made his way inside and was looking around to see if anyone watching him.. But to his relief no one was in the garden except the servent they were removing all the decorations were cleaning the ground...putting the all furniture to aside after cleaning them.. he guessed that the party was over without mafia king...when he was not present in the half of the party so party had to die down.. It's a worse party for kim who wants nothing except to show the world how powerful he is having a mafia king as his son-in-law. he step into the living room with carefull steps not to get caught by mrs kim or mr kim so that he have to answer the reason of his arrival while the party was over four hours he hurried into the  elevator and pressed the button for third floor... And tapped his feet Impatiently on ground and saw that the number were displayed on the elevator system to indicate which floor he was on ... He breathed a sigh in relief when he heard ding single that he have reached to his destination.. to third floor..

"Thank god i got some information about his room or else i had to wander around the whole mansion to find taeyung ..yoongi muttered under his breath walking in a huge corridor with white and gray walls with different types of light's on walls to gave royal and classy look... The whole kim mansion screamed expensive and that expensive things are picering Yoongi's eyes he scoff and stepping towards pink colour door smiling at the victory of found out his lover room..

"you are not able to escape from me now.. So be ready to accept me or i will took you away by force.. Yoongi think smriking then he spotted mrs kim coming out from his room with worried face.. He brow arch in confusion and he quickly hide himself behind the pillar at the edge of the corridor looking at her every action he just waited for her go...when mr kim come into view standing in front of her with smirking face she ingnor him was about to get in the elevator but stopped by mr kim words...

"I have a good news hyuna... She turned around with as mr kim come close to her at whisper something in her ear which make her angry so she shout...

"you are monster woo.. You are pretending to be my tae father are not you ashamed to do that with your son's husband.. Mr kim laugh at her before pulling her forearm with glare...

Don't you dare to raise your fucking voice on me and you know how my mind work... Mrs kim jerk his hand off of her arm rubbing on it doesn't know that someone is watching them with so much curiousty peeking out from piller to saw their faces...

"you are doing wrong only for his mafia empire.. What about taeyung.. why you marry my taeyung to him.. When your only plan was to kill him.. Mr kim crossed his arms smiling innocently looking in her eyes with dark angry eyes.. He raised his hand in air...she closed her eyes and turned her face to other side mr kim chuckled darkly satisfied with her scared self..

"why you get scared.. did you think i will slap dear wife... He gripped her jaw tightly turning her face to his side... i don't care about anyone you know that... He leave her jaw harshly she stumbled and hit with wall and her eyes tear up her vision get blurry .. the real intentions of mr kim appears in front of her who only care for himself and for jungkook mafia king position... He just pretending in front of everyone that how much he loves taeyung but in reality he didn't.. he will not.. Because...

"i know why you didn't care about his marriage life.. because he is not your real son right, he is only mine he was never your.. You only married me because of my wealth, the property my dad sign to your name.. She glare at him with teary eyes... This is painful truth for her that she was pregnant before marriage and his father force her into this marriage... she could have run away with her lover that day if her father didn't kill that innocent soul who is  taeyung's real father...nothing was in her hands she had to marry mr kim...

"enough, enough... What did you expect from me to do.. fuck you when you had an innocent life in you... You were always dissapointed in me because i never touched you.. Can't you thank me to giving your child my him as my own since childhood..let me tell you one thing that i never wanted children in whole life but you had to come in my life prengnet already.. Mr kim said in one breath anger built in him as how dare she accused him for nothing he never wanted to use taeyung yet he had seeing jungkook desperation for his son he wants jungkook everything and jungkook wanted his son.. so he didn't let this opportunity flow away from his hands... he didn't complaint for once about taeyung being born he fell in love with him the day he held taeyung in his arms he was so happy that he decied he would be a very good father to him, which he has become until now.. So tell me kim hyuna why your dad didn't come to the reception party of his grandson huh.. Let me tell you that He don't have his gut see in my eyes because he hid the truth of his daughter pregnancy from me.. Mr kim rubbed his temples with frustration and saw her restless face with tears... The thing don't notice yoongi whose world has shaken just hearing about real identity of taeyung... is really taeyung is not his real son... Yet that thing is not going to change his love for him.. he loves taeyung soul.. not his wealth or powerfull identity... he will love him till death...he saw that mr kim was dragging her and get into elevator so he also went in taeyung room silently..

"I don't know how many more secrets this family is hiding...




Namjoon was running like marathon inside the penthouse jungkook own in forest..he became more worried about jungkook decision to marry jimin who is married and it's clearly written in the government laws that we can't marry already married person until he get divorced from his current spouse...still ,he is forgot jungkook has become a mafia king for this very reason, to break government law's for anything he wants... Namjoon mind was frustrated with jungkook's stubbornness for jimin... First he told him to drop him off at his house then after knowing john intentions he came running to here only to kill him make a aburt decision to marry him...he is just wandering why did jungkook make him his manager if he will not take a single advice from him.. He is no longer thinking about his reputation in Seoul in whole Korea..he just become a lover blinded by Jimin's beauty..

In his rush of thousands thought he didn't saw someone coming in his way which hiding something in his belt and bump into namjoon he groaned when stumbled back by the speed he walking...

"ahh can't you see where you are heading to, one my head is hurts so much second, you came into me and hit my like fucking truck.. Namjoon looking at the man up down recognize him as if he saw him somewhere by his looks the man is dangerous with bull like body and tattoos on his neck and scars on his face he observed his black clothes wandering whether jungkook have someone like him as a bodyguard or not..

"actually mr jeon told every Guard to stick around the wedding venue for his would be wife safety so I'm going to check on everything before marriage.. He smrik seeing namjoon nodded his head with shrugged it off for now he need to share some words with jungkook so gestures him go who went away smriking more devilish on namjoon less concerned mind for someone safety... Whose life going to be in danger again...

His did big mistake to let go off that man whose going to be their worst nightmare they ever had..

"I must have come here, but not anyone's safety, on the contrary here for endanger someone's life.. He watched the garden which is decorated for wedding.. Mafia king's second marriage...

"In simple language, come to kill the mr Kim's beloved son-in-law and the dangerous mafia king of Korea..

                            End 💜💜

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