part 49

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"Mission accomplished jeon.. She faked a smile in front of kai, and worriedly glance at jimin but she is at ease because of jungkook plan.. So she going to move ahead on jungkook's singal...she turned as she reached the door and smirk playfully at jungkook. Who returned the smirk, and with that she walked out of the room, leaving crying jimin in Kai's arms, jungkook glance at the terrified boy, whose name everyone said taemin..

"Fucking hell.. This drug.. Jungkook rubbed his neck harshly, but damn he got himself injected with real drug and on top of that on his neck, where this drug would work real quick.

Jungkook watches his beloved wife crying and shaking by the touches he was getting from kai.. making him feel horrible and jungkook mind said, enough is enough and an ear splitting sound reverberated through the room and a bullet hit taemin's body at the speed of the bullet train and kai widened his eyes watching his brother fall to the floor in slow motion..then he saw dark expression of jungkook who was represented the demon after he shoot his brother on his left chest where his heart was located, he saw his brother body lifeless in his arms making him eyes turned dark with pure rage as he pushed jimin harshly towards the table with all his strength after seeing the table was sharp enough to get something precious from them.. But how could jungkook let someone or something harm his precious ones and jungkook's reaction was so fast that he caught jimin in his arms before he could hit the sharp table...

And jimin who closed his eyes excepting his and his unborn childs fate..because for him jungkook was so far standing in the corner but before he knew he was in the safe arms of his husband who once again protect him and his child as he promised always.. So jimin hug him holding onto jungkook closely, he get so much scared for his child, thinking he might lose him .. He forget jungkook will never let something happened to him because jungkook is still alive to protect them from the dark world and he is thankful to god for changing his desinty, sending someone like jungkook, his destined love..

"Are you alright my doll.. Jimin hug him more tightly not letting him go.. So scared to even come out from jungkooks embrace..

Jimin rubbed his belly and said quivering voice..

"I t..thought w..we w..will l..lose o..our t.. thank g.god y.. you c.. caught m.. me on r.. right t.. time.. Jimin placed jungkook's hand on his belly as jungkook kissed his forehead with moist eyes.. He himself got scared watching how kai push him. He will lose his only happiness only because of that fucker.. So he will going to give them a slow painful death right now in this deadly weather...

"Not until I'm alive and my champ is strong and will never leave his dad.. Jungkook pampered Jimin's belly with kisses earning a delightful giggle from his chubby doll.. He glanced up at his face and saw red mark on his delicate cheeks by Kai's tight grip.. And he will make sure Kai Will get thousands of that..

"Rest here and let me finish this all.. Jungkook placed him on bed gently and kissed his forehead tucking him into he can take rest after all of this drama..

Jungkook inturputed by someone voice and looked up and saw his men's are stand at door for his further commands so he stood up and..

"Take them to the place they both belonged and spacialy kai at my favourite place.. They nodded at him and put taemim on his shoulder and the other drraged kai out of the room.. Who had nothing on his face no emotions no crying.. Just blanked face with lost eyes.. Because he lost his brother because of his lust for jimin and jungkooks power... So he going to regret this to become the cause of his brother death..

"I will come back really quick till then i will send you a company of your mom, mrs min.. Jimin shook his head biting his bottom lip as he make grabby hands to jungkook who kissed his eyes softly and exit the room saying he need to punish them all who dare to come into his penthouse..

Jimin just nodded with heavy heart and watched jungkook going out and close his eyes..

"jungkook please come back soon.. my stomach is paining like hell...




After injecting jungkook with a drugs as on someone's request..Mrs min agrees to show kai and taemin that she is with them, but acutlly she did it on namjoons request, who said that it was jungkook's plan, So that jungkook can trap all the fishes in the net to finish them all at once, so she injected jungkook with dangerous drug with a heavy heart, she didn't want to harm him anyway, though it was just a drama to show off in front of kai..they knew that knowing that jungkook also has another enemy right under his nose and they will make some mistake..kai also did the same who requested Mr kim to send someone to take him out before Mr park arrives, so Mr kim did as he said and the result was that jungkook got to know everything beforehand and prepared everything for tonight, even someone from Mr kim is with him. He was happy to know that the person warned him an hour ago ..telling the timing of thier arrivel..

"Thank god, jungkook played smart and gather all the information about their dirty plan.. And said me to go to basement and listen Kai's fake story and do as kai say... He said me to inject jungkook a drug dose so he can lose his conscious and they proceeded with his plans.. And jungkook a fine man said me to go with their plan.. wow this drug addicted mafia's pain in the ass.. She said pouting and when something hit her and she turned around and ran back to room.. Oh my god my minnie. He is prengnet and me Idoit left him with blood and all.. He will get terrified lets run hana... Mrs min was running at the direction of Jimin's room and bump into someone and she curse the person with her dangerous Voice and look up to find jungkook assistant dimple boy.. She smile back as namjoon motion her keep quiet.. She nodded..

"Where is jungkook Mrs min... Mrs min roll her eyes and exclaimed deeply before saying...

"I don't know son.. Go find him. My minnie is alone so I'm going to him.. She said sasily crossing her arms and walk away from confused namjoon...

Namjoon took out his phone and call someone before decide to go back to hall to see the real show..

Jungkook walks down the stairs whistling playfully when he knows what is waiting for him. So he pickes up his pace towards the hall to see their faces after being betrayed by someone from his team. Then he reaches the hall and sees a pleasant sight in front of his eyes all his enemies are tied to chairs in row here he smirked seeing their faces and laugh out loud...

"Hello my viewers, I'm your host for today...he look at each one of them and especially at mr park who gulp looking away.. "Here to torture you, stab you multiple times, make you bleed, and i jeon jungkook am going to give you a live murder show... He saw someone standing behind their chairs and smirk before announcing his name.. "All thanks to min yoongi..

"Who took you here on my order.. Mr kim, And my new father-in-law Mr park....

"So happy death night guys...

End.... 💜💜

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