part 52

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"Min taeyung... Yoongi whispered as he came closer to his figure with silent step, he hugged taeyung and kissed his cheek and when taeyung didn't respond. He followed his gaze and saw that he was busy staring at the shodaw of the tree falling on the window and he realized that he had angered someone, so he need to make it up for his angry wife... He massage his waist whispering some praises to him.. But to his surprise taeyung spat his arms away...

"Baby what happened, when you woke up.. He came in front of taeyung and carresed his cheeks lovingly and kissed his forehead, taeyung didn't respond again and he was about to leave when felt that he was lifted in the air by none other than yoongi, he smiled at taeyung angry pout and pecked on his lips repeatedly to make him talk and that's what he got a powerful punch on his face and about to disbalance and they both ended up on the floor.. Taeyung on top of yoongi he grin on thier position..

"Leave me you min fucking yoongi and go and enjoy your slavery.. Go clean my dad's shoes, kill someone on his command, and then get killed by him.. Why can't you understand his plan and now i don't know where we are.. Taeyung cried out loud after shouting on him.. Yoongi just hug him dearly kissing his forehead.. Then he was going to kiss his lip's but stopped on mid when he saw taeyung sharp glare with griting teeth..

"Don't go to far with your imagination first listen to me.. We are at.. Taeyung get aburty and left yoongi on the floor, he just sighed and get up making eye contact with angry taeyung..

"What my imagination when two bulky dude kindnap me i thought you will never come to know where i am.. Yoongi smile at his adorable red face and spoke Camly...

"You are safe, we are safe, this is jungkook's place, I told him everything about your dad's plan for jimin... Taeyung jump on sofa and crrosed his arms and asked..

"That's mean you didn't hurt jimin.. Yoongi smile at his sparkling eyes and sat beside him putting his arm around his shoulder pulling him closer and place his head on taeyung..

"How can I hurt him, knowing he is prengnet and it was just my act to prove mr kim that I'm fully agreed with his contract but then I got some courage and decided to tell jungkook about him... Taeyung peck his lips with his boxy smile and snuggle into his arms..

And then something hit him and shout...

"I love you so much.. I know my man wouldn't hurt someone even in his dream.. So I forgive you... Yoongi pulled him on his lap and both kissed each other passionately...

Taeyung broke kiss and said...

"From now we don't have to be scared from my we are free birds.. So what's your future plans Mr min yoongi... Taeyung asked getting all excited for their future plans, or their couple's trip, he is excited for his coming marrige life a happy married life...

"All plan is set.. Taeyung looked at his face with unrestrained so much impatient to hear his favourite place name Paris where he always wanted to go with yoongi after marriage..

But Yoongi's words splash the water on his excitement..

"That I will make you prengnet... Taeyung excitement died and he stare at him with blank expression and..





"WHAT DID YOU SAID... Jungkook stood up from his chair angrily and marched towards Mr kim and kicked him right on his face making his chair fell down..the chair broke and jungkook cut his ropes and pull him by his hair and shoved the gun in his mouth...

"Don't try to act smart...When my parents died he was in Mexico and he came on their funeral.. So stop playing games and die peacefully okay... Listening jungkook every word mr kim got the opportunity to open his tied hands and when his hands get free push jungkook harshly who wide his eyes when his gun was snatched by Mr kim ...

"You are so much naive jungkook don't know the rules of mafia world...rule no 1 when someone kill mafia king who become the real owner of his empire along with his loved ones means your sexy wife also right... Mr kim smirk wiping his nose and put some pressure on his nose to stop the bleeding and then loaded the gun kissing it... And


"Ohh wow brave much huh... He tssk when jungkook didn't react on the pain on his shoulder when bullet hit him.. Thankfully just again pass by it.. Mr kim watch everywhere to found someone room and his eyes stop at middle one with lights on and he smiles before...

"Where is your sexy wife jungkook.. I wanted to meet him..i couldn't able to sleep these days because of sexiness and his milky skin ahh.. Mr kim said everything licking his lips fueling jungkook anger.. Jungkook smirk and stood up from the ground and launch at him.. Because of his punch the gun from mr kim's hand fell down and slipped under the sofa.. Jungkook punched mr kim in the stomach, nose, eyes, mouth, and jaw.

"How dare you to take his name from your fucking mouth. He is not a part of your games.. He is my love my wife, mother of my child.. Mr kim tried to push him. Yet jungkook didn't bluge at his weak push and continued to punch.. His hands were fully coverd in blood and his face too but he didn't stop nor he care about his Surrounding ..where seated a very terrified mr park and kai praying to god that jungkook will forget about them and go away.. Jungkook get up from his almost dying body and starts to find his gun like madman.. Throwing everything here and there.. Not caring about the heavy stuffs like vase small table he just wants his gun he wants to end everything end mr kim.. Because with Mr kim his problem will definitely end..

Jungkook push every big couches out from his way and finally his eyes find his black gun in the corner of hall.. He pick up the gun without any single thought, and hesitation he shoot mr kim emptying his gun in this crual process...

"REST IN HELL... He throws the gun away shooting him on his chest three times..

And sat on staire looking at his lifeless body and then his eyes fell on two trembling figure.. They get scared when they saw a very angry jungkook coming in their way, face was bloody with mr kims blood, his shirt was drenched in the blood, looking like pyshcopath hair were messy chest was heaving up and down with heavy breaths and jungkook smirk at them.. Kai closed his eyes tightly and waited for his hits when...

Sweet melodies Voice reach to them from the right side...


End.... 💜💜

Thanks for votes.. And comments.. And love you guys..

So mr kim is dead...

Yoongi and taeyung is happy...

Now we have to wait for Jimin's delivery right... So suggest me some children's name for jikook baby...

Bye bye i purple you.. 💜💜

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