part 8

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"WHERE ARE YOU..."kai shout on his men...who was just stopped his car at the society entrance.. Coming out from his car he laughed at his boss...

"I am just reached here after taking care of the neighbour's... They were freaked out when our men's get in with guns... And about second house they are not at home... "he stand in front of the familer house and took at his surrounded with angery eyes... "and your dear brother is nowhere to be found ...for your kind information light of the society is all fine... Kai stood up from his chair and panic for his plans... "just wait for little bit.. He will definitely do this... Where is jungkook... Kai asked while sitting on chair again with hope... Taemin won't let his plans fail...

"jungkook... mafia king is busy in romancing with someone's wife... He said watching jimin and jungkook behind the trees... Then gaze up at sky where the lightning is flashing making a very scary sound.... I think you should send something to min yoongi... After knowing jungkook is behind his wife... He will come with us to destroy jungkook... "he said more like suggestions... Because yoongi is working in jeon corporation... He will be very useful for them to get in Jeon's company.. Later only heard a evil laugh from his boss.... These two are alike... He is after jungkook's wife and jungkook is after his wife now... You know very well how jungkook brain work... Like a beast... My friend bang chan in simple language min yoongi is behind JEON TAEYUNG.. "he said in excited tone this will get very interesting game in future for jungkook... "oh.. I'm too excited boss... I will send you their pictures for our benefit... "chan click thier picture with excitement and send immediately to kai... Then went to taemin garden to wait for power off to do his task...

 Then went to taemin garden to wait for power off to do his task

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He is working for kai  as his assistant and bodyguard... Very clam and cool about mafia's bussiness stuff's... Very trusty men.. Have a boyfriend... Have a big brother... Who didn't know about his work...

"Ahh this taemin.. Where did he die... I don't want to see this gratuitous romance...! He said angrily pointed out at jungkook and jimin... He wondered whether they were having an affair or something... Getting frustrated with his thoughts he decided to show jungkook's some of his smartness so he gestured someone to start some entertainment for him... Who started to apporoch the two...

Min house...

Jungkook said smirking and look down at jimin with sweet smile... Not so soft but evil one... Poor jimin gulp and push him roughly who started to laugh loudly... Shocking everyone including chan and the men who was coming to him... So he raised his eyebrows at chan... Who signel him to hide which he did... Jimin teared up on his confession.. He thought jungkook's is not like other boys out there... He thought jungkook is good mafia.. He wants to run away from there..but how can he when jungkook was in his garden...

"A..Are e..even l..listening w..what a..are s..saying..!he said shocked to core.. Like how can someone say that to married person... Also his second.. Can't he be loyal to his first wife... Can't he get enough for him...

"get o.. out o.. o..of m.. my h..hou.. se.. "jimin said sniffing softly and put his hand on shirt because of wind... He closed his eyes tightly due to continues thunder sounds... Jungkook is so much guilty to scared him... So he couldn't hear anything namjoon was saying into phone or he should say warning him... His all attention was on Jimin's who is trying hard not to cry... "come here... Cutie... "he said softly extending his hand to jimin to hold who cried more... Jimin look at jungkook all black doubt he has a killer look... I'm married... He said in his mind...

"l..listen y..your f..friend a..nd l..eave m..e a..lone ..!"he said shivring from cold weather and...the light also started to flicker looking like the electricity could go any time... So thought to light a candle to get some light for sleep... Mafia boss next word's stop him...

"Does he love you... Does min yoongi said that he love you..! "jimin turn around and his first glance fell on jungkook's bleeding arm... He felt that he was worried about his injury... He ingnored jungkook's eyes.. Which were seeking for answer... And he removed  his hair scarf from his small braid..allowing his hair's fall on his beautiful eyes... Jungkook felt as if someone had taken away his ability to breathe... because after seeing the most beautiful person in front of him...he will definitely not going to change his decision... Because park jimin is now His angle, his fairy...who will be his from now on...

"I asked you something... Answer me now..! "jungkook come out from his dream when jimin stood before him so he asked coldly...

"h..he do it's n..not y..your c..concern ..!" jimin stated not knowing jungkook knew every single detail about him... His marriage life also... He eyed Jimin's angelic face even with tears stains he looked to unrealistic... Doll...

"S.. stop a.. asking p.. personal s.. stuff and l.. let me..! "very slowly with his trembling soft and delicate hand's he tied a scarf of his hair around jungkook's arm to pervent bleeding.. Little did he know that his gesture is making mafia king more obsessed for him... After tieing his scarf. Jimin was about to go when jungkook pulled him by his waist again...

"you don't know me... I am weak for beautiful people like you and my wife... From my prospective.. A man's identity is defined by having more than one wife... There's is nothing in the world i can't give you.. "after listening jungkook word's chan smirk... He is a person his grandfather want him be... A heartless person... He is thinking like his grandfather who used to said you can own everything means including human's... He weighs human with money.. Jimin said nothing just listening his useless talked... Curshing himself to get attracted to his chams and powerful personality....

"But I a.. already  t..aken a.. H..He H..he g..gave m..e l..ive.... l..oving H..his w..wife t..tittle... H..his l..last A w..wife r..respect...what else i wants in my life.. "he makes eye contact with jungkook.. who noticed a sadness in his voice...jimin remember married life after Yoongi's work at Seoul.. Jungkook couldn't stop himself and picked him up in his arms hugging him... Who immediately snuggled in his chest... Forgetting what jungkook had said a moment ago.

"i didn't want to scare you.. But my enemies are here to kill me... I don't know why i came are my responsibility from now... And I promised you to... "he shut his mouth  when jimin put his little finger on his lip's and shook his head softly and hug him tightly again...

"D.. dont l.. leave m.. me. I.. am s..scared..! "jungkook hug him back and kissed his head softly... The marriage talk is long gone... Now this is the time for action for his enemies lovers... Chan didn't know that jungkook is waiting for him to attack him... Jungkook sense it about 32 men's are here for him... He dont want to play a blood game in front of his cutie... So he slowly walked towards the flat bed like sofa in the garden... "cutie... You have to sit here.. While I am taking care of some of my dear friend's hmm..! "he placed jimin down as gently as he could...who looked up with pleading eyes not to left him.. Because he too saw so many people are surrounded his house... He is scared... So so much scread for jungkook...

" c..careful...."he said and blush getting a soft smile from jungkook..

"then give me a good luck kiss..! He smrik and hoverd over Jimin's who's face become a beet red... He push jungkook gently... Jimin sat there awkwardly with one leg crrosed on another.. Giving a beautiful view of his legs to jungkook... He sighed softly when he saw jungkook leaning in so he softly grabbed his shirt and kiss his cheek.. Immediately look down...

Soon gasped when a kick landed on the jungkook's cheek.. Which he kissed... And  the entire society  electricity goes off..

And jeon jungkook laugh out loud evily... Before saying...

"Oh bang chan loyal bodyguard of My favorite enemy kai...

                           End 💜💜

Please vote the part 8 take care enjoy....

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