part 47

355 36 3

" Today was as usual day for mrs kim. She was going to her bedroom after spending few hours in living room, thinking about taeyung..she was missing her son so much... She hasn't seen taeyung after jungkook disappeared with jimin..

Because after jungkook's unexpected decision. They seprated and jungkook  married jimin and yoongi held taeyung hand to completed his love journey that started in college..

At first she got very angry knowing about jungkook's marriage and got extremely insecure about her son's future and starts curshing jimin and his life and calling him such names even prayed for his death.. But after taeyung's call she got to know that her son is happy with his first love...then she got drowned in the guilt of praying for the death of a prengnet boy and still her heart was not at peace because Mr kim had evil eyes on that boy and now her worry doubled knowing that someone else has also joined Mr kim to destroy jungkook..

"I hope he never get what he want... She said in her tired voice want to take a warm bath and good sleep and she was passing by Mr kims office when her steps halt as she heard his loud laughter..she make a confusin face because as far as she knows there was no one in his office except him and no one had come to visit him, then why was he laughing the way as if got some jackpot.. And her curiosity got aroused and reached the office without knocking the door and found Mr kim laughing while watching something on his laptop screen. Sensing Mr kim good mood she thought of asking about taeyung, so that she can meet her son to see if he is happy or not..

"Woo... She called Mr kim hesitately apporching his study table.. She starts to playing with her wedding ring out of nervousness... Don't know what unexpected will come from Mr kim..

"Yes, darling... Mr kim tore his gaze away from laptop screen and look at the Mrs kim head to toe with intense gaze and..

And pulled her delicate figure into his lap..

"Is there something, my delicate wife want from me.. Mr kim whispered in her ear. But Mrs kim expression was horrified, her eyes were not moving away from the this moment she didn't care where she was sitting and how Mr kim was touching her.. Her main concern was the person on the laptop screen and she asked in trembling voice..

"W-what h. have you guys planned, and what is Mr park doing in jungkook's penthouse...and why are your men surrounding his penthouse...and yoongi is also in your team...she saw Mr kim staring at the screen intensely and her smile disappeared and was replaced by a scared one. Thinking about an innocent boy living with jungkook who had nothing to do with their rivaly..

"Yoongi was always there for us from the beginning just to bring taeyung into his life...and about jimin, he got himself caught up in our rivaly and now there nothing we can do..Mr kim said in his chirping voice as he circled his arms around her..making her stiff in her place.. She tried to stand up but Mr kim glare at her which stop her thrashing in his arms.. "And Mr park just gone to meet his new son-in-law and congratulate him about Jimin's prengnansy.. In different way know very well dear wife.. Mr kim kiss her cheek gently with happy grin which get tears in her eyes and turned to him...

She forget about taeyung because somewhere in her heart she knew.. Her son is safe...

"please don't hurt him, he is prengnet and god will never forgive you for hurting him and i don't know why are you after him.. She had tears in her eyes.. Their eyes locked for sometime.. Mr kim was looking in her eyes with dark angry eyes filled with rage and grriped her jaw in tight hold bringing her face close to his and clench his teeth ...

"I want you to put one thing in your mind not to interfere in my bussiness. And for your kind information i want both jungkook empire and his wife..and about Mr park he is the one who planned it. He is the main mastermind of this game. Because he also wants jungkook position as desperately as I do.. She jerked away from his hold rubbing her aching jaw.. And tears fell from her eyes...

They are monster.. Who doesn't know the value of someone life.. Only care and live for the money, money and money..

"HE IS PRENGNET FOR GODS SAKE.. Mr kim looked at her with angry red eyes and saw her breathing heavily after shouting on him on her top of lungs..

He took deep breath and stood up from chair and held her hand tightly and she whimpered at the force grip her hand...

"I don't care, whether he is prengnet or not, I only knows one thing, he is the one who destroyed my all plans of getting jungkook empire through taeyung...he is the reason jungkook all our deals, upcoming projects and even the shares signed in taeyung name were withdrawn.. She looks at him in disbelief because this man only care for his business nothing else.. her life destroyed by his father by throwing her in the marriage without love... She regrets every year she spent with man like Mr kim who only knows to lust over beautiful young boys or girls..



"BECAUSE TODAY THESE LOVE BIRDS ARE GOING TO LOSE SOMETHING PRECIOUS... Mr kim smile excitedly putting his hands on the table with loud noise and her heart stopped when she thought about his upcoming words..





The rain was falling slower than before and the wind had become so cold that they couldn't stand outside and a beautiful sounds of night creatures begen to echo through the night forest and jimin and jungkook was wrraped in a warm blanket inside his bedroom where he was sitting between jungkooks legs and resting on jungkook's chest...

His small hands were held by jungkook who was preparing his face with butterflies kisses making him giggle and squirms in his hold...

Jungkook look at something with his teasing smile and jimin hit him with his small hands gigling and covered his breast glaring at jungkook who embrace him tightly placing servels kisses on his head...

"You know you are so hot my wifey.. Jungkook smile at his adorable red chubby cheeks and kissed them hard making them more shade of red colour..

"And you are my hot handsome husband... Jimin said cutely snuggling in jungkook's chest kissing there...

Jungkook was about to say something when he saw someones black shadow passed in front of their room..

"Cutie... Jungkook called jimin softly and get alert by unknown presence in his penthouse so he decide to check himself...

"Hmm jungkook.. Jimin look up at jungkook worried face and cupped his face in his hands who look down with soft smile...

"Listen to me.. don't freak out when something happens okay.. Jimin confused face make jungkook chuckle and he get up from bed holding him and make his way to the bathroom and placed jimin small feets down...

"Go fresh up and get ready.. We are leaving from here now... Jimin didn't understand jungkook's sudden behaviour nonetheless nodded softly going in closing the door behind.

Jungkook sighed deeply and starts to look for his phone to call namjoon and found it near his pillows so pick up the phone hurriedly dialing namjoon number... And namjoon picked up his call after few rings and said him something he don't want to hear...

"Jungkook...we are in danger, someone is here, our penthouse is surrounded by Mr. kims men.. So you need to get jimin out of here..


End 💜💜

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