part 45

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"MINNI MY SWEETHEART... Jimin's eyes get wide open hearing her soft voice calling him... he innocently turned around and pool of water started to flow from his beautiful eyes.. Because there stood his mother-in-law with soft smile adoring her face..

"His eyes can't believe that his mother has come to meet him. When he left everything behind and married to married man. He always thanks god for giving him a mother in law who's understand him more than anyone. But someone has 100% contribution in this beautiful surprise that is his jungkook. His husband knows how to keep him happy without any tension. He loves him so much. His love for jungkook has increased hundred times more than before. This man doesn't leaves any chance to make him fall in love with him again and again with his amazing loving acts..

"His tears filled eyes turned towards his husband who mouth him surprise through his thin lips.. He brust into tears and threw his tiny body into the arms of his husband, who clasped him in his strong arm's and kissed his head gently. His cute action made everyone in the dining hall laugh, including the maids, who watched everything from the open kitchen and blessed the couple with thier gentle praise..

"Really minni, this hug should have been mine. But you gave it to your husband.. "Min hana comes to the couple and complain with pouty lips. But inside she was screaming with joy seeing the love in jungkook's eyes for her minni. Her heart finally felt light seeing that her minni getting the love he deserves..her son yoongi doesn't deserve jimins love nor does he care for jimin...

Jimin Broke the hug sniffing softly and whispered a thank you to jungkook and next what he did make her eyes pop out from her socket, because for the first time a shy jimin peck jungkook lips in front of her mother-in-law eyes ..and jungkook smile with pride at his wife's brave act and he loved it..

"What a beautiful couple. Oh,  what did you do to my shy baby or did you make drink some black magic potion. The person who never talked about these kind of things that make him shy and today changed history and kissed you in front me...In front of his respected mother-in-law.! Jimin smile at her dramatic act and giggles when he catches her teasing smirk..then hug her tightly without giving her a chance to ask for hug.. She patted his head softly and she can't control her eyes and cried smelling his sweet scent after three freaking days. She misses him so much..miss his giggles that had always make her heart happy and misses his cooked food his nature of making good food for her..

Later something make her smile fade in a blink and make her emotional for her best friend last sign.. Her beloved son..

"Her heart sinks as she remembers namjoon words and jimin's mother's past flashes before her eyes ..and she doesn't want history to repeat itself, she doesn't want jimin to end up like his mother. That's why she decided to take good care of him in his tough complicated prengnansy time..

Jimin Broke the hug and held her hand in his trembling ones.. Only he knows how guilty he is seeing her all happy for him.. When he did a sin breaking someones marrige.. He make eye contact with jungkook who assured him with his eyes and nodded because he knows jimin wants to apologize and let out all his thoughts bothring him..

"Mom, i thought you will hate me. You will never want to see my face in your entire life. Because i broke someone marrige by marrying a married man and cheated on my husband. But mom my heart betrayed me, it fell in love with a married man...yet my brain said otherwise as soon as i decided to come back, everything we did came in front of my eyes and i felt ashamed of myself. But i had to give in to my heart and i choose jungkook because i love him and i got pregnant..and have his child in my womb..i am going to be mother of his baby and then I know there was no way to go back. I am sorry if i have stained your respect mom. You can tell everyone that i ran away and cheated on my husband. I am ready to take every accusation on me. Because I know i am the one to blame mom.. He Complete his words in broken voice, his heart felt relieved...Letting his all thought out from his heart...he make himself ready for her out brust...he looked at her face which had a blank expression on it, he got scared and more tears came out of his already swollen eyes. he had this feeling that if he blame himself for everything then she will get angry with him..because he knew that even after telling her a thousand times she wouldn't blame him instead she would hug him say that you right thing choosing your love.. And what he thought was right and it happened when his mother kissed his head and hugged him lovingly before speaking..

Jungkook smile at their conversation he likes their bond otherwise which mother would put her son-in-law above her son.. Yet with min hana the case is different... she is ready to fight for her son-in-law with the whole world..

"Minni, you are my son. The last remnant of my best friend. I will never be angry with you. And neither do I have the heart to live without seeing your face, my dear so stop blaming yourself.. Thank the lord to sending someone like jungkook in your life. Your destined love, whose name was written on your stop looking at your past and look towards your future with this new life growing inside one can take this happiness away from you, not even stop reminiscing about your mother condition which happened 21 years ago..Now you have to be strong for your baby for give birth to him as healthy and chubby as you i will squeeze him in my arms because of his chubby body... Jimin blushed hearing about his baby and their sign of love and look back at jungkook who had smrik on his face making him look away feeling all hot and flushed..

"I think we should have breakfast before it gets cold. As my champ and his mother needs lots of nutrition to be born healthy.. He said coming towards jimin to make him sit on the chair comfortablely and bowed to mrs min.. She nodded with smile and smile never leaving her lips seeing how delicately jungkook is taking care of jimin..

"It's so nice to meeting you ma'am.. You mean alot in my jimins life..she nodded with smile and stared at the food maids serving jimin.. Everything was jimins favourite food and her eyes get teary for his minni he doesn't want him to far away from her.. But she can't do anything when her son isn't wanted to be in this marriage.. So she has her every prayer for him and his child..

She pulled out the last chair beside Jimin's and pat his head softly making him smile and then..

"jungkook can we talk after breakfast...

                         End 💜💜

Please Vote and comment for chapter and soo sorry for late update as we had a family function at home so i got busy and didn't get time to write..

Sorry once again my beautiful readers...

Bye bye...

Good night and sweet dreams..

the destined love (Jikook) (Taegi) Where stories live. Discover now