part 46

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"I'm sorry my love "but i have to do this to keep you safe away from your fake father.. When you me over jungkook he started to show his true colors to me, and Jungkook.. He wants to kill them for jungkook immense wealth.. Also jimin is not safe like you ...if i never did this then your life would be in danger.. So i accept your father deal to kill jimin.. He is innocent taeyung, why everyone always choose to hurt him...but what can i do I only want to keep you safe from that psycho father of your.. I love you so much min taeyung, that I'm going to kill someone innocent.. Please don't hate me.. "yoongi said to teayung who was fast asleep no longer aware of his guilty words...taeyung got tired doing five rounds asking for more and more from yoongi and result instantly fell asleep in the middle of filth round saying," i love you too" yoongi ..who held him in his arms thinking about jimin...sleep was no where near his cat eyes which were filled with guilt and shame that he was going to hurt the person who was once his minni, his wife.. But on other hand his heart was satisfied that jungkook embraced jimin with Open arms understanding the meaning of true love...

"The beeping sound of his phone pulled him out of his thoughts.. So he picked up the phone and checked the messages his eyes becomes terrified by the words.. So he sighed shakily as he smelled the taeyung's sweet scent, then answered the messages and turned off the phone shoving it in his pocket aggressively...he picked taeyung up from the bed on the beach ground who was wrraped in the blanket...since his clothes were not in the condition to worn.. He went inside the hotel so he can make taeyung sleep inside instead of outside where the weather was rainy...after reaching near the door he saw the room is locked so he pull out the card from his pocket carefully not wake taeyung up who kept snuggling in his chest cutely snoring...he inserted the card in the door to gain the entry and door opened...he pushed the door a little to go inside with sleepy taeyung.. He put the taeyung on the bed and kissed his forehead, he covered his body with duvet properly and set the light on low mode making the room dim and smile...

"Sorry my beauty, but your hubby need to go to get kai and taemin realesed from jungkook... I know jungkook is not an player.. He is real gambler of this mafia world who is best in everything ..and for him your father is just a pawn to catch his grandfather killer.. Still your father has a high hopes of rulling his mafia world...but dont worry about me.. I have a plan I'm just going to take taemin and kai out then we are going to leave korea...then no one can harm you, no one can blackmail me and use me kill anyone ...everything is ready just wait for me... I love you.. With the last loving kiss to taeyung he stood up and take something out from side drawer and load it and exit the room with heavy heart...

"I'm sorry minni....




"Jimin was standing in the balcony of his and jungkook room.. He was still in his expensive black so short dress.. Just Waiting for jungkook to come, who had gone to talk to his mother after dropping him off in their room, then suddenly started to rain and in the blink of an eye got heavier, so he decide to look at rain forest and he swaer the god, listening to the melody of rain made his body relax as he put the one of his hand on the wooden railing of balcony and the other was rubbing his belly to feel his little baby.. He was admiring the rain with a big smile on beautiful face..he was so happy that he couldn't stop his giggles thinking about his baby..he couldn't wait to take him in his arms and love him so much, bath him, dress him in cute clothes sing lullabies and name him..

"hi baby

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"hi's are you.. Oh sorry i know you still too little to talk or give me sign.. But your mommy can't control his feelings to see you feel you growing.. Just know that your mommy and daddy loves you so much.. Also now you have a grandma too who will love you so much... Just grow up quickly and come out.. I wanted to see you.. How you will look like your daddy or mommy.. I want you to look like your daddy.. He giggled on silliness and didn't notice his husband figure standing near the balcony door with his back resting on the door smiling softly at Jimin's talk....he knows that his wife loves watching the rain and jimin can stand here all night for enjoy the rain.. But he is prengnet and he has to take proper rest until the jungkook eyes he looks so thin as if he hasn't eaten anything, so jungkook decided to accept mrs min request to stay here until Jimin's delivery.. He also wants to have someone trustworthy to take care of his baby and wife here beside the new servents that he couldn't agreed his heart to trust.. So there is no one better than mrs min hana who can take care of jimin with such love..

He shake his head softly at the cute talks with his child which is just a little bean... He then slowly approch his tiny figure and hugs him from behind and Kisses jimins cheek... Making him flinch badly then he got relex when he smells his husband manly scent and places his small hands on top of jungkook's which was on his stomach...

"What happened.. He asked in his deep voice making jimin feel butterflies in his stomach by his husband so much sexy voice...

"N.. nothing.. He replied shortly can't stand jungkook dominated aura..

"And here it all happened to me.. Jungkook said in whisper while his lips almost touching behind his ear as jimin close his eyes holding onto his hands tightly..

"Then tell me what happened to you mr jeon.. Jimin asked breathing heavily because jungkook was kissing on his ear..

"You changed me doll... Jimin turned around in his arms hearing his heavy voice and cupped jungkook's face in small hands...

"How jungkook... Jungkook looked into jimin's eyes who looked so adorable with his hair waving in the strong wind...

"You made me realize, what true love is.. And now I jeon jungkook, only want to be in your love trap... I fell in love with you for that night i saw at the entrance of your house and my heart feels like I can't live without you.. I'm thankful to yoongi to get in page with finding about taeyung.. Then my ego kick in so i decided to hurt his loved ones then i met an angel that angel is my wife jeon jimin... Whom i love more than anything... He took Jimin's both hands and kissed his palms one by one then put his tiny hands around his neck pulling him closer by his waist making their forehead touched and he kiss Jimin's button nose who giggle loudly slaping his chest playfully...

"I'm so lucky that you choose to change for me jungkook, and i will gladly trap you in my trap...and its written in the star you and me.. Because you are my destiny... I love you so much.. Jimin placed his head on jungkooks chest listening jungkook heartbeat lulling him to sleep.. He smile when he felt jungkook's kisses his head softly...

Both of them were hugging each other with close eyes in the beautiful weather of forest rain and didn't notice someone's presene behind the curtains..

And the person's lips pull up in confident smirk..

"I'm sorry lovebirds, but you happiness will never last long..

                         End 💜💜

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                  Enjoy and love you..

                      Bye bye...

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