part 34

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"JUNGKOOK.... Jimin shout out jungkook's name and saw the bullet hit him on his shoulder ...and jungkook fell on the ground with such a impact making thud sound....he had this feeling that something is wrong going happened and see his restless feeling were true...his body starts trembled as he tried to get up but felt his feets ability was gone seeing jungkook in this state he saw namjoon and other bodyguard ran after someone who just passed by the trees... His uncontrollable tears were falling on the floor so muttered some energy and went near jungkook who was trying to stand up...a soft sobbed left his pink glossy plump lips he took out his veil harshly and throw away...

"hey m.. my d.. doll... d.. d..dont cry l..look y..your m..mighty didn't ahh... Jungkook smile softly and extend his hand for jimin to come to him... he very stood up winching at the pain that shoot through his shoulder to his whole arm.. he felt as if his shoulder was get separated from his body...that part of his body become numb..he was not able to feel anything...but his entire focused was on jimin jimin was still there in a daze eyes filled with tears his hands were shaking his whole face had become red from crying...his little body is trembling..

After getting no response from jimin who just keep crying shaking his head as his veil was not on his face which was thrown by him... So jungkook stood up helding his shoulder closing his eyes tightly due to frustration and pain and make his way near jimin said

"my doll... I'm okay... Let's go inside...there is someone else here.. Jimin gaze around then at jungkook's giving him his hand who picked him up making him gasped because jungkook had injured arm and still he picked him up so easily...he looked his shoulder with concerned in his eyes and decide not to place his hands there then he slowly placed his hands on his chest and held his coat tightly so that he does not fall...

"jungkook you are not okay.. You need a bandage and on top of that you have picked me up.. You will feel more pain... Jimin scolded jungkook cutely who was just kept shaking his head as a sign no at his every word... as he keep going towards door jimin eyes were worriedly fixed at his bleeding shoulder.. And was saying in his mind that he is more stubborn than even the child...

However, both of them did not notice a man coming from behind and was slowly moving towards jungkook with a metel rode in his hand... because jungkook was looking ahead and jimin was at jungkook...this was the reason why both of them were unable to see such a big man coming with smirking

"Tonight would have been our wedding night if this basterd had not come.. Jungkook look down at his cute wife giving him death glare he laughed softly before... I know it's bored daylight but we both would have considered it as a night and celebrated our wedding night.. Jungkook planed everything for their night but it doesn't matter to him if they will celebrate at morning or night.. First he had someone to take care who would be roaming around in his penthouse he has the assurance that he will not be inside penthouse but outside the house....he his plan is simple first leave jimin to his room safely then go to hunt his favourite enemy who surely will be a dead meat tonight....

"cutie pie, i am leaving you in the room.. Do not come out of the room until i come to pick you up, because I have to attend a uninvited guest, who has come here to get killed by my hands... Jungkook kissed Jimin's forhead who smile with worried face then he placed him on the bed and come out from the room locking the door behind with key and put the key in his pocket...

As he was about to take a step, A metel stick came flying in his direction and before it could hit his face, he doged it and pulled the metel rode hard... resulting in the men who was trying to hit him on the head with the metel rode falling at his feets...he smirked raised eyebrows and laughed he started to walk around his figure dragging the metel rode on the floor as It make creepy sounds...

"Long time no see kai fucker... Jungkook bend to his level grriped his jaw harshly making him look up...whose eyes were blood red glaring at jungkook he throw him on the floor and pressd the metel rode on his chest who screamed pushed away the rode standing up and grasp his collar..

"where is my brother.. Tell me, otherwise your new wife will have to suffer a lot as a result..he secretly take his gun out and hit the back of the gun on his shoulder..he groaned in pain and the metal rod slipped from his hand and he clunch on his shoulder...

"H.. he is d.. dead, go and hold his funeral... Jungkook said with challnging smirk making him more angry and he hit jungkook head with the rod and blood started to pour out from the back of his head onto his forehead... his eyes starting to see darkness, still he is not going to lose his courage just as kai was about to hit him again with rod ,he took out his gun and shot him in the chest...

"how dare you to take his name out from your dirty mouth... Jungkook shot him again in his leg who fell down...

"you don't know your biggest enemy than me.. Who will do something i mean he have prepared a best gift for you.. Want to know about whom I'm talking so by this evening your entire reputation will be ruined by i don't know.. Kai smrik smugly looking in the eyes of furious jungkook...

"Mr kim woosik my father-in-law right.. Kai wide his eyes if they would come out from his socket he eye smirking jungkook and gulped down all his expectations to run away from him the deadly mafia king who now knows about each of his enemies including mr kim.. Who was hiding behind the mask of a good father-in-law now the lion will hunt openly, no relationships matter to him anymore except his dear wife jimin... Jimins family will also have to answer for his pains..

"Now everyone's bad time have started and it started from you... Bye bye kai fucker... Jungkook walk away towards the room where he left his worried beautiful wife...smiling with the thought of his cute concerned face only for him...





"yoongi what you think about jungkook and jimin.. Taeyung said looking at yoongi face from his chest who kiss his forehead..

As taeyung's express his feelings for yoongi so the couple decided to cuddle before going to talk with jungkook as both of them know jungkook would be with jimin but both of them wondering what would those be doing, while they both know very well, what they were doing all night and else would they be doing..

"jungkook came to meet jimin even after that night... he declared him as his with full rights and even kissed him in front of me at my own house.. So if you are asking me then they are in love... Jimin didn't let anyone close to him but with jungkook he let him kissed him and took him to with him i don't know where.. And even jimin didn't hesitate to go with him... So as for me everything is clear... Yoongi smile at taeyung whose giggles are melting his heart and then he Seal his lips with taeyung kissing him softly with moving his lips passionately who kissed back in immediately...

Let's hope for the best that jungkook will grant us to be with each other.. Or else i will put condition.. Taeyung frown at his smrik and ask what type of condition you were talking about who said..

"If he wants me to divorce jimin, so he will have to divorce you..

End 💜💜
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Bye bye 💜💜

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