part 31

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"JEON JUNGOOK... The door of the jungkook's room brust open and there stood a very much angry red eyes scary namjoon... jungkook didn't glanced at him and just smrik knowing reason of namjoon anger very well...namjoom took a deep breath welcoming himself in room.. his eyes catch the happiest face of jungkook which looked genuine to him... he saw how quickly jungkoook was getting ready for so called marriage thing.. why can't jungkook think about his reputation which will be on stake if he do that marrige... Yet he can't stop his love sick boss...

"you are doing wrong jungkook stop this marriage you are a reputated man in Korea.. Jungkook smirk was not leaving his handsome face while he was busy in combing his hairs neatly and part them both side of his eyes.. he eyed his look last time before turning towards namjoon for not so good argument..

"i did nothing wrong, not yet... What has he done wrong with choosing a person he changed his whole existence by coming in his life.. Instead he is going to do everything right...he is going to make that person his own.. With whom he feel strange peace and a strange madness...he started to whistle ignoring namjoon mad glares "okay don't get mad nam.. I love him... i fell for him in just two days i can't live without looking at his face everyday.. he changed my heart in a blink removing taeyung completely from my heart.. Look i am away from taeyung but i didn't miss him and here I'm away from jimin just a two rooms and i feel like dying without his frangness without his smile, his beautiful this is final i will marry him and love him more than anything in world.. Namjoon eyes soften by jungkook confession.. he is completely against this because they both were not divorced and doing this marriage... He understands jungkook heart whose struggled so much in his  first year marriage...

"i agree with you but what about divorce and about taeyung.. did you forget you both are still in marriage.. Namjoon saw jungkook going towards bed collecting his nessesary things with smile.. he is so much excited for his marrige... He look at namjoon smriking then spoke..

"i will set him free to be with min yoongi his college lover.. Said jungkook with his usual deep voice shocking namjoon with revelation he stooped at the door frame and look behind.. "i want everything perfect and we will discuss this later i have to check on my would be beautiful wifey. Saying that jungkook walk away towards room Jimin's room whistling he comes in front of the open door of Jimin's room who was standing in front of mirror while pouting at his maid...

And the most sexiest thing catches jungkook eyes is.. jimin in white towal  wrapped around his delicate body from his breast to his mid thigh's.. And the water is dripping from his wet hair onto his back and neck ..he wants to kiss the hell out of him right now here on the freshly made bed...he loves the way water is wetting the towal making it slipped from his body which immediately held by Jimin's small hands so the most desirable thing he wants to do is embrace jimin and kiss him on his forehead with so much pure love into which he had fallen.. He gestured the maid to go..who obeyed her Master's orders and quickly ran out of the room...

"Cutie pie my would be wifey.. Are you ready to become a mrs jeon huh.. Jimin froze on his spot with his eyes wide open due to jungkooks sudden arrival.. he was talking to the maid so how did jungkook come here or he didn't get to know because he was lost in his own world..he felt like his body is not moving away from ground as if his feets glued to the floor..jimin held the towal tightly around his naked body with one of his hand and with other hand he moved towards jungkook to gestured him to go out of the room but jungkook did the opposite, he closed the door and started walking towards him. Very slowly he came behind him and caught his arm which was hanging in the air and held his small hand interviend his finger with Jimin's small one and took him in his embrace....

Jimin closed his eyes feeling so much heated being engulfed by the warmth of jungkook well built body.. He can feel jungkook's lip's were gazing close his eyes his breath were tickling his eyelashes.. he then felt a kiss on his head by jungkook and then jungkook lips go behind his ear kissing there two times.. he clunch on towal more tightly feeling his legs trembling under jungkook dominated aura... he started to breathe heavily and turned his face a little to see jungkook's face and got a sweet kiss from jungkook in the corner of his eyes...jungkook rubbed his nose on his blush cheek all the way up to his eyes getting his nostrils full of the Roses secnt of his rose...Jimin's breathing were so much short because of jungkook kisses on his side face he felt that he will faint if jungkook keeps doing this so he said gathering all his courage..

"M.. mr j.. jeon it's w.. wrong.. w.. we c.. can't m.. marry s..secretly l.. like t.. that w.. without a..anyone k..knowing...i.. it i.. is w.. wrong t.. to b.. be, w..wrong f..for f..fall w..while w..we a..are t..tied s..someone e..else...w..we a..are m..married w..we a..are d..doing a l..lot o..of w..wrong t..hings to t..them.. Jungkook face immediately fell and turned into dark and cold one hearing his pure angel concern for whole world except for himself why he can't be selfish for himself just once and tried to see a world with new dreamy eyes to get something to let someone give him the whole world he deserves and jungkook will make sure to keep him like queen...

"Don't make me angry my cutie pie, I am so happy and excited to marry you in an hour.. i would turn the world upside down if i couldn't have you... And as for our spouses, they would be the ones who would come running to us to divorces us.. Jungkook controlled his anger when saw his would-be beloved wife's eyes closed in fear of his angry voice...then he smiled a little and turned jimin towards him and then kissed his forehead lovingly and kept his lips there...

"You changed mefor good jimin... My and taeyung's relation was not that good from the day i married him knowing he had someone in his heart but i got selfish and obessed with beauty when there wasn't a spark between us...that's what i felt when we first be honest i always trapped him in my mansion with the thought that if i gave him his freedom he will leave getting golden opportunity so i did that with him...he pulled himself a little away from jimins cute face to look in his eyes he saw how jimins fragile body pressed against his hard and built one.. But with you i felt complete this jeon jungkook felt peace to breathe in your breaths..felt so much proud to keep you in my arms i felt home with you.. Your concernd and worriedness for me make me your crazy lover.. I can't breathe a single breath without seeing you hearing you kissing you.. You become my everything in just two days.. I think first sight love with you doll.. Jungkook pressed his forehead against Jimin's when he felt his small hands rubbing his chest in soothing way because of his heavy Voice which didn't notice... So i want to ask you.. He kissed the nose of blushing jimin.. Park jimin will you marry me and be my queen and light up my dark world.. Jimin took deep breath gulping down the all Sincere words left jungkook's lip's...if man like jungkook will fight for him to get him so why not he let his heart decide what he actually wants...

So he chooses to listen his heart and said in whisper..

"i will marry you jeon jungkook and i would love to become a mrs jeon your queen and i will definitely light up your aa.. aa. No our world together....

                            End 💜💜
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