part 59

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"Finally, got you kitty.! The beautiful crescent eyes smile that came to Jimin's eyes was worth of million trillion in jungkook's eyes. Jungkook embraced jimin properly in his arms and his giant like figure was hovering on jimin, covering him from the harsh raindrops...jungkook traced his thumb softly on Jimin's eyes..the eyes hold jungkook universe in them..

Jimin leaned in his touch, feeling warm being in jungkook's arm's, because the temperature of the raindrops was so cold falling on his bare shoulders, both of them were completely drenched in the rain in the second because of the speed of rain making him shivers in his arms, he was thankful for jungkook to figured which is giving him warmth while swallowing him whole..

Jungkook was fondly looking at him, for jungkook his whole heaven is standing in his arms, in the form of his wife his jimin.. "Look at me jimin..jungkook was so busy loosing himself in jimin's eyes that he hadn't noticed the uneasiness on jimins face and frown on his forhead. Jimin looked somehow troubled and uncomfortable, jimin folded his arms and places them on jungkook's chest clutching on his black shirt, he felt very cold as the fabric of his dress is like a net dress, and more of his body was visible as the wet dress clung to his lean body, his fair skin was almost visible because of his transparent dress, for the first time his dress is making him uncomfortable, but he isn't feeling uncomfortable with jungkook why would he jungkook is his husband and they have seen each other more than once, yet this feeling lingered in his if someone's dirty eyes were watching him in jungkook's arm's ...his heart thumped loudly as his lips trembled with cold.. And he opened his eyes only to get lost in his husband's... And his all worry flow away with the kiss placed on his forhead.... "So you love the rain if there wasn't a muddy ground beneath us i would have fucked you right here by now... Jimin looked at jungkook with an innocent look, Turning into an innocent child in his arms as if he had no idea what his mischievous husband is talking about...jungkook pulled jimin closer pressing their chests together and jimin arms instintly flow around his neck... Yet he decided to tease him..

"I don't know what you are talking about Mr.. Jimin lips formed into pout and he batted his eyelashes teased him. Jungkook shook his head closing the remaining distance between them, jimin fluttered his eyes closed as he thought jungkook might want kiss him, but he got confused when jungkook reach to his hand interviend them together and jimin's other hand went to his chest, staring in jungkook's eyes confusedly like what his handsome husband is implying to do.. As jungkook turned him sightly in his arms as jimin was now facing a beautiful mountain covered in black clouds. Then jungkook soft voice filled with love reach to his ear..

"Just close your eyes and feel the magic of rain, our first rain, feel the ears soothing sound of raindrops, feel the beautiful smell of mud mixed with rain... "A beautiful smile spread across jimin's face as jungkook gently rubs his cheek against Jimin's chubby cheek. He loves being in jungkook's arm's no matter what position jungkook wants to put him in so he doesn't complain just enjoying jungkook's peacful and comforting warmth spreading around him like a cozy blanket...his eyes tear up and his tears flow on his face along with the raindrops.. He is happy so much happy and he was shedding happy tears, his feelings are overwhelming him.. Because he wants nothing just to treasure this Memory in his heart forever, want to treasure the best moment of his life, his first rain with his love, his jungkook..Don't cry it's a happy moments..because I'm drenching in the rain with you even though I hate rain, but for you this jungkook will go to the moon and back.. So its just rain.. Am i right my doll.. Jimin nodded with his eyes closed, beautiful smile adoring his face, all the memories come to his mind when met again and again, his jungkook loves him so much, who would have thought that one night can change whole history of his future, that party will break all his walls and make him Cherish jungkook forever, who would have thought that jimin who calls himself loyal can be selfish just for once, and rebellious for jungkook but all this rebellious worth it when his boring life turns into a fairy tale of beautiful dreams when jungkook stepped on his doorsteps he didn't just steal his heart but also secured his next life where he would only wants to choose jungkook as his everything what you can call.. A lover, boyfriend, husband because jungkook lives in his heart and owns his soul.. he love jeon jungkook more than his life and anyone else.

"You have to love everything that your jimin loves, because Mr jeon you can never say 'no' to his beautiful wife, his jiminie, right Mr jeon.. Jimin said playfully, playing with jungkook's hand...

"Okay, I admit that, my love..jungkook whispered with closed eyes..

"it's very beautiful here.. I don't feel like going back.. Jimin whisper back with pouting lips, then something naughty came to his mind and he raised his hand in the air to collect rainwater, then he looked sideway at jungkook who was immersed in feeling Jimin's soft baby cheeks, not noticing his beautiful wifes intentions, when jimin collect enough water in his palm he giggled softly, and splashed water on jungkook's face with full force and jungkook get startled and left jimin because water went into his eyes and nose when he looked up coughing he saw jimin was laughing so beautifully while holding his stomach and seeing jimin enjoying teasing him a wide smile came on his face, and his bunny teeths starts showing...looking adroble baby himself..

"You l..little k..kitty, you just wait.. Jungkook said playfully as he wiped the water off his face and cleaned his face with his shirt sleeve. He squinted his eyes to get the water out of his eyes, then looked at jimin who had stopped laughing and was standing with his face up toward the the raindrops poured on his glittering skin..

He make his way to jimin and pick him up, surprised yelped left Jimin's mouth and he looked at jungkook with wide eyes..

"Where are we going.. He asked looking at the smirk on jungkook's face...

"Where we can enjoy, my secret place.. You will like it.. Jimin just pout and glare at him, and jungkook laugh kissing his pout away..




"Babe you should stop, other wise you will catch cold, come inside.. Yoongi said in warning tone to Taeyung who was dancing in the rain, gigling like a child..

Yoongi shook his head in disbelief as taeyung didn't respond to him, just kept laughing jumping in the water..

"I'm asking last time, are you coming or not.. This time yoongi shouted and taeyung looked at him, his face was all red from the cold, and yoongi is getting worried for his health..

"No, No, No.. Never.. Taeyung whin cutely sticking his tongue out.. Yoongi fist his hands and make his way to him...

He doesn't want to go in the rain but he has to for taeyung.. Because his sturbboun ass won't listen to him.. And he dont want him to get sick in that condition..

He have to stop him ...for his..

"Yah yoongi leave me.. Put me down.. I don't want to go inside.. I am still not satisfaid...taeyung stared to wriggle out from his arms.. Yoongi didn't listen to him and tight his grip around him..

"Leave me.. Taeyung shout..

"No never, its enough.. Yoongi whispered calmly..

"No it's not enough, I want more, leave me you are no one to decide what to do..taeyung shout with more loudly slaping his chest... Being literary child..

"I'm not deciding anything for you , you just have to think about someone.. Taeyung stooped wiggling and looked at yoongi..

"I don't care about anyone.. Now leave me.. Taeyung said coldly looking away..

And yoongi losse his all calm and shout..



To be continued..

Sorry for late update..

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Bye bye love you beautiful readers..

I purple you 💜💜

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