part 14

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"I will give you how much money you want.. i want him dead tonight.. I had a positive feeling that my wish will be granted tonight... "mr kim got up from the sofa and walked towards large window of his living room... He called some top shooter of Seoul to meet.. He didn't want someone to around that's why.. He came to the right side of  his mansion.. He spacialy built this area his for himself..he didn't want any disturbance so can do his confidential business meeting here ...he always hold his secret meeting's here...

His eyes were fix on the garden

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His eyes were fix on the garden... Where party was going to be held.. The Garden is looked like a fairy tale... As was his son's wish... Taeyung wanted all the party decorations to be pink which fullfilled by his dad's ... Still mr kim is not happy today .. He was worried about his plans... He wants his plans for work before jungkook or taeyung finds out ... He just want jungkook to be dead only for his mafia empire..

"So you wanted me to shoot him in party... What about your guest... From your face i can guess you don't give shit about guest.. Trust me the mafia king will be dead... Just make my money ready... " the man said in his deep causal voice.. Wearing black pants with blue shirt..his entire neck was covered with tattoos... He has watch on his wrist.. Sitting on sofa with his cold face and dark aura...

"Someone close to me told me about you being a best shooter... I'm trusting you with his trust.. Just do your job and disappear into thin air... Like you never came here..! And i have to be ready to take care of my son and guest.. no one would doubt it...everyone would think that he had many enemies... One of them must have killed him... Enough of him ruling the whole its my turn.. Mr kim smirk... Then put a check in front of him... Whom eyes sparkle at the amount of money... "i don't need to arrange when i have it.. go get ready for your task... "Mr kim said happily.. light up cigarette... For him he had a full proof plan... That's the reason why he decided to organize a reception party.. Because he has his own power in his city... He didn't need to convince jungkook... He knows that no matter what jungkook will come after taeyung..

"So mr park recommend me to you.. Poor man has no life of his own .. his wife always took decision  for him.. Never let him talk..he was my father's friend ... Because of his wife he had to marry his son to ...! "his words stop at middle when mr kim motioned him to keep quiet...

"Although he left all mafia work .. But still he is a rich bussiness men of busan... "Mr kim look at him with fake polite smile when he stood up to leave...

"There is no doubt that he is a rich person.. But what it a use if you marry your son into a poor family.. Anyway you will get a good news tonight... He said sniffing the cheque like a hungry dog.. Then went out whistling..

"i don't think people should pity that boy.. He is master in getting a rich men's around his finger.. "he said looking up at focused in his thoughts... "like he has trapped jeon jungkook in the illusion of his beauty...that's why he left in early morning without breakfast only to meet him.. Let's see what will happen... "Mr kim thought in his mind standing up while wearing his coat...

In Min's house....

"yoongi was just done his showring when he heard a door bell... He thought it would be his mother so hurriedly wear his clothes... Doing everything in hurry to meet his mother... He put a white shirt with black pants... Put a very strong colong..because He didn't need to bring anything with him.. Half of his stuff are here.. He just came for the evening party at his boss in law's..

After getting ready he was coming down happily to meet his mother.. But the seen in front of him make him shock angry... So many questions come to his mind... What was jungkook doing here... How jungkook know jimin.. And big questions is why jimin was in jungkook's arm... He couldn't help after he saw how jungkook kissed Jimin's forhead... So he said in his deep yet angry voice...

"Wow what a seen is happening here.. My boss is romancing with my wife... When Jimin heard yoongi word's.. He got scared and tear welled in his beautiful eyes.. His mind was  thinking  only one thing... His husband will leave him Divorce him.. Then where will he go.. He has no one except yoongi and his mother... His step mother will never let him step in his own mansion.. No one in his family loves him execpt his step brother... His fahter told him he was unfortunate for his late wife.. And his step mother used to called him such names when people were easily get attracted towards him.. She was jealous of his beauty.. So she instilled his father's mind that if he didn't marry him off soon he would destroy his respect let his head down in society But still he love his dad so much... He love his present simple life with his new family...

"you guys are looking beautiful together.. I didn't know.. My wife usually greet the guest of my house like this... And spacialy my boss jeon jungkook... Yoongi pause for second.. Smiling sarcastically towards jimin... He walked towards sofa and sat down looking at them... I know you missed him.. After yesterday night meeting... And kissed my wife here.. Here and here.. "he said mockingly gestured to his nose.. Forehead, eyes... He looked at Jimin's small frame shaking...he knows jimin will break down in tears anytime.. And then jungkook whose eyes were only fixed on jimin holding him protectively in his arms... "i have questions why you left his lip's MR JEON... Yoongi said with smile but a fake one...

Later hearing this a sob left jimin mouth.. Which was picering jungkook heart... Jungkook felt like anger building in him.. Yoongi will pay for making Jimin cry .. He said in his mind.. Jimin make a little fist on jungkook's coat.. Soon he felt a hands wiping his eyes caressing his cheek's.. He opened his eyes hesitately and saw jungkook was smiling at him...

"Calm down princess when you have me... "jungkook said softly and was about kiss his forehead again..

"pl.. please l.. leave f.. from h.. here.. I t.. t..told f..forgot e..everything h..happened last n..night...! Jungkook get shocked when jimin pushed him harshly step back from him... Jungkook fist his hand's and close his eyes to contain his anger by Jimin's behavior.. He breathed in and out and opened his eyes...

"yoon please don't get this wrong.. I was scared last night.. No one was at home.. Also society light got off.. Then thunder storm.. You know i get scared... Jimin said in one breath.. His breathing was getting uneven with each word...

"Your step mom was right... But why jeon jungkook he is a married.. Why you want to break his marriage.. If mom will come to know that... Jimin was crying yoongi's every word's were hurting him... Jimin didn't know that his crying face was making jungkook restless who wants nothing just take jimin away from everyone...

Next jungkook next word's caught both of them attention...

"what about my wife... Whom you have loved since your college min yoongi....

                         End 💜💜
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                         Bye 💜💜

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