part 28

552 49 18

Yoongi woke up from his sleep not feeling warmth of his lover...and get angry when he didn't saw taeyung by his side...he frowned getting up from bed then fell back feeling a sharp pain In his head if it will explode anytime..he checked in his whole apartment and didn't find him so he decide to call him.. Only to get more frustrated hearing beep sounds indicateing that taeyung's cut his call... He hurriedly put his clothes on and run towards his car... He started the car and drove away to the direction of kim mansion...

"you are not a only over smart here  tae so don't try to be..i know why you left but you will have to answer me why you mixed sleeping pills in my water.. Yoongi rembered the time after they had sex taeyung made him drink water saying he needs this after pleasuring him... Yet yoongi hadn't noticed when he mixed that pills..

"you have gone from being innocent being very clever.. but i am proud of you... Yoongi smile sarcastically speeding up more now eager to meet the new saasy kim taeyung which he never used to be..

"the kim taeyung i loved was innocent and couldn't ever think of hurting anyone... Yoongi called someone for confirmation of the safety of his wife...

"namjoon is jimin is okay... Yoongi asked as soon as namjoon pick up his call...

"yoongi our plan gone wrong.. jungkook killed john and for your kind information he is not going leave jimin... Namjoon said huffing if someone had force him to run miles... He was informing yoongi time to time about Jimin's well being..

"i happy he is dead... That bastard tried to touch jimin... Yoongi chirped happily with the news of john... Forgot about what he did with jungkook...

"by the way, don't forget you have invited your own death by blackmailing jungkook....i will pray for you my best friend.. Namjoon mock him with changing his voice into scared one... Yoongi gulp thinking about something which he did getting into lies of Kai's and mr kim..

"i didn't do that on my own wish Someone made me to do that...because they want jungkook in party.. And don't worry i discarded that phone...he will never come to know... Yoongi slowed his car thinking about the worse that will happen to him if jungkook find out he is the who told him he kidnapped taeyung and had Jimin's inappropriate videos...

"you both are doing wrong cheating on your spouses.. i don't care i don't want this to end up with blood.. because you jungkook very well.. If he decied something he will definitely do.. Namjoon said in warning tone wanted to one of them to understand about the complications of thier married lifes..

"i don't care namjoon... Even If this will end up with my Death but i want taeyung in my life.. I will be ready for consequences.. Saying that he hung the call without hearing further information from him..

"yoongi... Man ahh why you hung up the call jungkook is going to marry your wife.. He said angrily entering in the penthouse as per as jungkook orders..




"let's make you my wife.. mrs jeon.. Jungkook smirk proudly at the shocked reaction of Jimin's.. He then put his one hand on his back and other one under his knees picking him bridal style getting him by surprise who gasped at his sudden action and grriped jungkook shoulder...he hadn't said a single word to jungkooks who took him in the room downstairs and setting him on bed...

"i don't want to marry

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"i don't want to marry..because you are no one to decide about my life.. So it's better if you drop me off to my husband's house..! Finally jimin spoke in challenging Voice looking into the eyes of jungkook that showed nothing... his eyes becomes dead angry he didn't like the tone of Jimin's Voice... He wants someone who Voice against him but the situation is different with jimin... Because jungkook is going to take away all his problems by marrying him..

"who told you that I'm going to take your opinion no one is going to stop me from marrying you my doll so be ready i want you down in three hours.. Jungkook kissed his forehead he wasn't the jungkook he spent his night with ...the one who had loved him that night like he was most delicate thing he had ever touched,, but the jungkook  standing in front of him now was complete opposite of that sweet jungkook he met two days ago...

"Is marriage a joke to you?  So let me remind you I'm married so kindly let me go.. I don't trust you anymore.. Jimin said frustrated from jungkook Childish demand for marriage if he didn't left him alone he will gladly marry him leaving everything behind... Nonetheless the situation and his feelings changed by one promise which broken by jungkook... And next thing he knew he was pinned down on the bed by jungkook who was hovering on him with mad expression on his handsome face..

"may i ask where did my princess lost his memory when you were having sex with me naked on my bed moaning my name...then you suddenly remember about your marriage after getting so into me huh.. Speak my doll.. Jungkook said between while keep kissing his neck softly.. Knowingly or unknowingly he gripped onto the back of jungkook jacket breathing heavily while making some beautiful sound for jungkook..

The heat rise in both of their body lossing in each others intoxicated scents jimin submit himself again in front of jungkook dominated aura pulling him more close to his body... As jungkook was about to undress jimin when a loud knock make them disturb their make out session..

"who the hell came on wrong time.. Jungkook get up from Jimin's body went to open the door and found a scared maid stood there with her head hung low don't wanted to make mafia king angry...

"sir you called me.. Jungkook fix his hair glance behind at jimin who sat there awkwardly with blushing face..

"yes help him in bath then cook something for him.. Let him rest for 1hour.. Then i will send you a wedding gown make him ready and took him down on 6:00 Am...he said she nodded without sparing glance up jungkook.. Who walk to jimin to say bye...

"she will help you in everything hmm rest well... Jungkook peck on him on his lips who look down blushed red seeing jungkook going out..

"what will happen god.. Am i really ready to marry him?

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